Dear Chase-
We did it, buddy! You’re halfway through your first year! Crazy! It’s time to recap month six, but if you need to catch up, check out Months 1 & 2, Month 3, Month 4 and Month 5.
We took you to the doctor Wednesday for your shots and checkup and you did great. You’re growing like a weed and you currently weigh 20 pounds, 5 oz, are 28 inches long and your head circumference is 18 inches. That’s 90th percentile for weight, 95th for height and 95th for head. You’re a big guy but totally proportional!
You love to eat and have been eating solids for over a month now. We didn’t really try any new foods this month. You still love avocado and sweet potato and roasted red pepper strips are another favorite. I shared a post about how I make your homemade oat cereal and you still love that. I usually mix in some pieces of fruit. We switched you to all 6 oz bottles and you typically get 5 of them per day and then around lunch time i’ll give you some solid foods while daddy eats his lunch- usually a couple strips of red pepper, a couple sweet potato or squash sticks and some avocado. You love your Graco High Chair and love to sit and bang on the tray if I don’t feed you fast enough. I usually give you a couple tablespoons of oatmeal and some fruit in the evening. We use these Munchkin Soft-Tip Infant Spoons
and sometimes you grab on and practice feeding yourself but at this point you’re better with your fingers than with a spoon. And you still drink your formula out of these Born Free Glass Bottles
which we love!
You went to the park for the first time and played on the playground, but then it got cold again so we haven’t been back. I think it’s finally starting to warm up again now so we’ll go back soon! You celebrated your first Easter and colored some eggs and even went to your first drumline show. Your daddy used to be in drumline so we took you to watch and even bought you some protective headphones. They must’ve worked because you slept right through the show!
We can’t stop buying you ALL the plaid things and button downs! You’re still in size 3 diapers and wearing pretty much all 12-18 month clothes now. We’ve got lots of fun shorts and t shirts for you to wear this summer!
Mommy turned 30 this month and for her birthday she got an ERGObaby 360. You like being able to face forward when we go on walks and go the store. We’re finally reached the point where you like to pull your Babiators
and hat off more than you like to wear them.
Mommy went on her first trip without you this month. Mimi and grandpa came to stay and help out while daddy was at work and I think it’s safe to say they spoiled you. You were a good boy and we face timed!
You’re doing pretty well sleep-wise. Still sleeping in the pack and play at night but we did start introducing you to the crib at nap time a couple weeks ago. It’s going alright. I try to get you in there at least once a day to nap. Sometimes you’ll cry for 30 minutes and fall asleep, sometimes you cry for 2 hours. I rock you, put you in there when you’re sleepy, turn on your music and leave…then I let you cry and go in every 15-20 minutes to calm you down. It’s hit or miss but we keep trying. It will be interesting to see how it goes over the next few weeks. At night you eat your last bottle around 10 or 11 and usually sleep until 6 or 6:30 and then go back to bed until 8ish. Unlike last month when you hated your tummy, now you tend to end up sleeping either on your side or stomach as the night goes on.
Last week you started your first swimming class! We take you two nights a week for a half hour class. You seem to be enjoying it. You love the tub so we figured you’d like the pool. It’s a lot of singing and moving you around in the water!
You love the animals and like to watch them walk around. You have also started “petting” them, although sometimes “petting” means grabbing ears or pulling tails.
You LOVE sitting up and aren’t really into lying down anymore. You can sit up on your own quite well, but you’ve recently starting doing a little bucking bronco action which apparently means you’ll be crawling soon.
When we set you up to play for the day we put a body pillow behind you to cushion your occasional falls 🙂 You love your toys but don’t need anything fancy. Some of your favorite things include a plastic laundry detergent cup, some plastic baby food containers that you can stack like blocks and empty Starbucks cups. You love any kind of bottles, including mommy’s water bottle and the doctor told us yesterday we can get you your own sippy cup! You’re also obsessed with phones and grab for them incessantly! Sometimes mommy gives you her old one to play with.
You will put ANYTHING in your mouth. General train of thought is: “Is that a tangible object?” If yes, I will try to eat it.
Current squish philosophy- Is it a tangible thing? Yes? Then I’m going to want to touch it and probably try to eat it. A video posted by Lindsay L, RD (@theleangreenbean) on
Some of your favorite toys this month are your Oball Rainstick Rattle , Rusty the Robot
and your Busy Bee Baby Buzz’R
For the most part you’re a happy baby, but like anyone, you have your moments 🙂
Happy 6 months sweet boy. We love you!
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He just gets more and more handsome! I love the pictures of him with all his pets! 😀
he’s definitely an animal lover!
This is such an amazing post. I love that it’s a letter directly to him so he’ll feel special when he’s reading it, complete with all the pictures.
keep being the awesome parents you are!
thank you!!
omg william was 20 pounds at his one month checkup!! lol!! but you’re right – he’s so proportional and SO adorable!!!!
thanks friend! he def gives my arms a workout!
He is doing so great, and ADORABLE!! The swimming pictures are so cute. And sitting up! Doesn’t that make them seem so much older all of the sudden?
Love this! He’s such a cutie! Mine are 6 months old too! Time just goes way too fast!
He is SO adorable!! Wow I can’t believe he’s already 6 months! I’m sure you feel the same 😉 I love that he’s (mostly) sitting up on his own, so precious!
Such a sweetheart! OOO that video! Thanks for the Friday smiles <3
SUCH a sweet post. Little man looks good in plaid!
What a lovely little one! <3
He is the cutest baby ever. he looks more and more like you and the man everyday!
Oh the squish is getting so big – so cool to read about him here! Thanks for sharing your moments with us!!
I just found your blog — I love how you write these updates as letters to your son! I’ve never thought of doing something like that for my kids, but it would be so great for them to have something like this to document (even more than just pictures) all the cute little milestones. He’s adorable!
awww thank you! i hope he likes reading them when he’s older!
He is SO CUTE!!!
This is so sweet. Can’t believe he is in size 12-18 month clothing! We start Baby Awesome on solids next week. Going to check out those infant spoons and your homemade oat cereal recipe. Thanks for sharing!