Dear Chase,
You’re 3 months old today and I can hardly believe it! It’s pretty amazing how much you’ve changed in the past month.
You’ve learned how to hold your head up. It’s still a little wobbly sometimes, especially when you’re tired, but for the most part you have pretty good control over it. You love sitting in your bumbo chair. Sometimes when you’re fussy I’ll pop you in there and you’ll happily sit and look around the room for 10-15 minutes. You love sitting up. If we’re holding you, you’re always leaning forward trying to sit up instead of just laying back like you used to. Now that you can hold your head up pretty well, we no longer have to use the infant insert when we put you in the Ergo! The weather was warm enough for us to take a few walks and you loved looking around. We even bought you some sunglasses!
You also love your activity mat. This month you really seemed to figure it out. You regularly swat at, grab and hold onto your hanging jungle friends and sometimes you’re quite content to lay there and entertain yourself for a while, which is a nice break for mommy. You’re still not a huge fan of tummy time, but we’re working on it. Most days we can get through 10-15 minutes without a major meltdown, but you usually just lay there. You don’t spend much time pushing up with your arms, but you do move your legs around a lot. Honestly, mommy hasn’t been very good about making you practice every day. You also discovered your feet this month and spend a lot of time looking at them and trying to grab them.
You’re a talker, that’s for sure. You’re slowly figuring out how to make more and more sounds and you happily chatter away to me all day long. When it’s really quiet, you love to let out a loud WHOOOOO! like an owl to let us know you’re there. You have the best smile. You smile for mommy and daddy all the time but around other people, or when I get my phone out to take a picture, you quickly put on your serious face. I took you to your first modeling gig and you didn’t crack one smile the entire hour we were there!
You’re sleeping pretty well. You usually nap an hour or two in the morning and then take a longer nap in the afternoon. Most nights you’ll sleep downstairs while mommy and daddy hang out in the evenings and then have your last bottle around 11-12 and then head up to bed with mommy. If I’m lucky you’ll sleep until 6:30 or so, eat and then go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Just last week we moved you from the rock and play to the pack and play so you can get used to sleeping on your back and we can eventually move you to your crib. It’s going pretty well. You definitely have a lot more space, so you spend a lot of time flailing around like a fish out of water before you finally settle down and go to sleep. You’ve also been waking up a little earlier to eat this past week and I think it’s because you’re waking yourself up in the pack and play. But I think you’ll get used to it.
You’ve never had any trouble eating. Right now you usually get 6 bottles a day, some 4 oz and some 5 oz for a total of 27 or 28 ounces per day. Daddy weighed you the other day and you’re over 16 pounds. You go to the doctor next week so we’ll get your official measurements then!
You’re wearing pretty much all 6-12 month or 9 month clothes and mommy went on a little shopping spree at Gap and Old Navy to get you some new clothes! We also had to buy you some new socks because your feet are growing!
You have a few different blankies to snuggle with and you seem to like them all. You love your binkie and also still like sucking on your thumb/hand. This month you figured out how to hang onto some of your smaller toys. Grandma got you a rattle that was the perfect size…and then your dog brothers chewed it into a million pieces. But don’t worry, mommy ordered you another one!
You like reading books and you love listening to music. Daddy’s been playing his guitar and you like to watch him jam out. You also love it when we sing to you. You like bath time. You stay pretty quiet, but you LOVE kicking your feet and splashing water all the way up the wall.
Happy 3 months, sweet boy.
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Ahh my heart is smiling he is SO beautiful and I love these shots of him! What a beautiful message! xo C
oh my heart.
Ohhhh so sweet!
Thank you for sharing with us your little one’s development, it put such a smile on my face this morning 🙂
Best wishes to you as well, hope you are continuing to feel better!
Thanks Anne!
So precious 🙂 He’s growing so fast!
The best posts!! Such a precious post and mom will probably love reading these when he’s a big baby!
Thanks Tamara 🙂 I’ve already loved looking back at the past two months so I’m glad I’m doing them!
He is SO stinkin’ cute and I LOVE how expressive he is getting!
me too! he really knows how to work those eyebrows!
Sweet baby boy! So much fun to read about his personality emerging. I remember the animals destroying baby toys and binkies- I guess it’s their way of protesting. Happy 3 months Chase! xo
haha i guess so!
He really is the cutest little thing–loved reading this sweet letter to him!
Thanks so much Amanda!
SOOO sweet! I am getting so skeptical about baby clothing sizes. Almost all my friends have said their kids were wearing much larger sizes than they were, like you said, wearing 6-12 month stuff at 3 months! Are they making things smaller these days or what?
yeah they’re pretty arbitrary! my best advice is don’t stock up on the small stuff. Get bigger stuff you know for sure they’ll at least grow into at some point, no matter how soon 🙂
He’s sooo cute!!
Wow 3 months already! He is SO cute. That is all. haha.
Happy 3 months cutie!!
So precious! Happy 3 months, Squish!
He’s just so stinkin’ cute!! Love how you document what’s going on with him each month. I’m sure it will be amazing to look back on one day.
Thanks Dana! I can’t wait to turn these letters into a little book!
Can’t wait to see the pictures from the modeling shoot!!
He is soooooooo precious!!!
My little 9 month old is only 18 lbs…way to grow Chase! Still jealous of his sleeping schedule, he can surely pass on any sleeping tips to Emma 🙂 Happy 3 months little guy!
Glad to hear he’s doing SO well! I’m doing letters to Cam as well, time for month #2!
so heartwarming 🙂 I love that you do these!