Hi friends!
I’ve seen some of my blog friends like Janeetha & Ashley write letters like this to their little ones and I love the idea. It seems like a great way to document how baby Chase is changing from month to month as well as giving you guys a glimpse into life with my little one.
Chase turned 2 months old yesterday. I actually wrote his 1 month letter on time, but never got around to publishing it…so I’m just going to share both of them now:
Month 1
Dear Chase,
It’s hard to believe you’re one month old already! The past few weeks have flown by, yet it’s hard to remember what life was like without you! Every day you light up our lives with your sweet baby snuggles and your unique personality.
It’s pretty amazing how quickly you’re changing and I find myself wanting to record all the cute little things you do because I’m not sure when you’ll stop doing them. They’re the things that make you YOU and I love them all!
I love:
- When you’re waking up and you stretch out your neck and scrunch up your forehead so you look a little like ET.
- That you squeak when you’re eating and sound a guinea pig.
- The way you voraciously attach yourself to whatever is feeding you, whether it’s me or a bottle, as if you haven’t eaten in days.
- That you love sucking so much that sometimes you just make the sucking motion with your mouth even when you aren’t eating and don’t have your binky.
- How you usually make some sort of noise while you’re sleeping so I know that you’re still breathing and I don’t have to lean over and check on you.
- The way sometimes you just stop nursing and start smiling to yourself and sighing.
You’re such a good baby and even though you can be a bit fussy, most of the time when you cry you either want to eat or are trying to poop. Just in the last few days you’ve started making a lot of eye contact with those big blue eyes of yours. You’re very expressive with your eyebrows and we’ve even seen a few smiles! You’re starting to swing your hands a little bit at the animals dangling above your activity mat and you tolerate tummy time fairly well. You will nap in your rock and play but you also love napping while people hold you.
You like bath time for the most part, especially when we pour the water over your head to wash your hair! You do your fair share of sleeping during the day but when it comes to night time sleeping you’re not quite as good. Generally you’ll sleep a three hour stretch at first and then it goes down to an hour and a half or two hours at a time until it’s time to get up. You did give me two nights with a 5 hour stretch of sleep which was wonderful.
You were a little jaundiced when you were born and we had to supplement with formula. We’re lucky that you easily switch between breast and bottle. You LOVE to eat so we continued to supplement while I tried to recover from mastitis and plugged ducts.You’ve gained about 2 pounds since you were born and just the other day you outgrew your first outfit. For the most part you’re wearing 3 month clothes but some 0-3 months still fit. You also had clogged tear ducts which we treated with some ointment and they’re better for the most part, although your eyes still get a little goopy sometimes when you cry. Other than that you’re perfectly healthy!
You don’t seem to be too aware of the animals yet. Abner loves you and is constantly by your side checking on you. Tucker is more wary of you and often spends time on whatever level of the house you’re not on. Marcus lays by you occasionally, especially early in the morning when I’m feeding you and Poco keeps his distance. Sometimes the dogs startle you awake, but they rarely make you cry. It will be interesting to see how you interact with them as you get older.
I’m so excited to watch how you grow and change over the next month and each day I think about how lucky I am to be your mama.
Month 2
Dear Chase –
You’re two months old! How did that happen? I spent a lot of the past month very sick, even in the hospital, and I’m so glad to be feeling better so I can spend more time with you. You’re such a sweet, happy little boy. We discovered your love for music and we’ve been playing the Pandora Kids Christmas channel for you. On the weekends daddy sits with you on his lap and listens to all sorts of music. You perk up for your favorites and do your own little dance, moving your feet and arms around like crazy! You still love to sleep and we’ve found your favorite position. You’re a burrower. You love to lay across my stomach and burrow your head into my elbow. It’s your absolute favorite way to sleep and I could hold you like that for hours. When you’re awake you’re fairly chatty. You coo, grunt and tell me all sorts of stories.
You’re an eating machine. We took you to the doctor at six weeks and you’re in the 95 percentile for weight and 98 percentile for height. You’re gonna be tall like your mommy and daddy. We switched you to all formula and you eat anywhere from 28-32 ounces each day. When you’re full, you’re happy but when you’re hungry, you let us know! You’re still growing like a weed! Right now you’re wearing pretty much all 6 month (some 3-6 month) clothes.
You do pretty well in your carseat and when we take you on errands you either sleep or look around quietly with your wide eyes. You like being worn as well. When you’re super fussy at home I’ll put you in the Ergo and walk in circles around the house while singing to you. It almost always puts you to sleep. I’ve also started wearing you in some stores because it’s easier than dealing with your carseat. Last week you were fussing while you were in the Ergo at TJ Maxx and when we decided to change your diaper in the backseat of the car, we discovered you’d had your first epic blowout! Poop all over your body, your overalls and your onsie. Luckily I had a change of clothes in the diaper bag!
You love your binkie, but only when YOU want it – otherwise you’ll spit it out. When you’re screaming, it usually helps calm you down. When you don’t want your binkie, you’re usually chewing on your hand. You so badly want to suck your thumb but you just can’t quite figure out how to get it when you want it. You’re getting so close though – you can get it in the right position, just can’t figure out how to straighten it out and suck on it. As much as I don’t especially want you to suck your thumb, it’s pretty fascinating to watch you try to figure it out.
Your sleeping schedule is still pretty unpredictable. You take several naps but the timing varies day to day. Earlier in the month we’d typically feed you around midnight and many nights you’d sleep until 5, eat and then go back to sleep until 7:30 or 8. The last week or so, you’ve started falling asleep around 10pm and some nights you’ll sleep until 4 or 5am. Not always though 🙂
You recently started grabbing more. You’ll grab for my necklace or a scarf when I’m holding you, you like to clasp your hands together and you also love grabbing, and sometimes scratching, your face. You’re also getting better at grabbing the animals above your activity mat. We’re trying to get you interested in some newborn toys like rattles, but you’re just not quite there yet. I’m excited for the next few weeks because I think you’re going to really start taking an interest in some toys!
Sometimes you’ll lay quietly in the rock and play but you like to be able to see someone, not be by yourself. Just the other day, we got you a new chair that reclines enough for you to sleep, but also lets you sit up and see more of the things around you. You seem to like it so far. When you’re in a good mood, you’re content to just sit in your chair, talk to me and dance around for a while, kicking your feet and moving your arms around like crazy. It’s times like these when I try to get some work done. Otherwise, I spend a lot of time working on my computer with you laying across my stomach sound asleep.
You’ve got a big head, but your neck is so strong. For the most part you can hold your head up by yourself, but you’re still a bit wobbly so we’re carefully to keep our hands close by to support you if needed. The past few days you’ve really starting turning your head back and forth while you sit, taking in as much of the room as possible.
You had a great Christmas. Both sets of grandparents spoiled you with lots of clothes and toys and mommy and daddy bought you a new rocking chair and lots of books. You had a couple of epic meltdowns at the family get-togethers, but we survived. You were having some tummy trouble and there was a lot of stimulation!
It seems like you grow and change a little bit every day and I can’t wait to see what next month brings!
Love you forever,
Your mama
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seriously TOO CUTE!! are you going to print these posts out for his baby book? i want to print out some posts for baby william, but i don’t know how or what site to use to print posts?
I did this for Audrey — I printed a book from all of the “Dear BabyBug” posts I did while pregnant, and a second book from year one of “Dear Audrey.” I used Blurb, but Shutterfly is pretty easy as well, and you can almost always get good deals.
Awesome! Thanks! So you can import your blog posts straight to those sites??
good to know! thanks!
i made a book on mixbook.com and really liked it. i think you could just copy text from your post into a text box on their site for a book! probably same thing for shutterfly
Ha I always enjoy the ones Ashley does on her blog, its so cute. He is getting so but and I especially love the second photo!
These are precious letters to your little guy….thanks so much for sharing them!
What a great idea Lindsay. As I read through these letters, I found myself reliving those days with my own children. They are some of my most fond memories, and some of the most challenging, so documenting them is so important. You are such a good mama, and Chase such a sweet angel. Thank you for sharing his sweet personality with us. Sending love and hugs.
thanks lady!
My boss at work just told me what he has done for his children growing up. He takes a picture of himself with the child and writes them a letter every year. When they get married he has all those letters waiting for the child and their new spouse at their home when they return from their honeymoon. Great idea
love that idea!
I always love reading posts like these – so precious!! He is absolutely adorable and looks like he is just thriving! You guys are doing such a great job, despite all the crazy breastfeeding struggles I know you went through. Chase is a lucky guy!
thanks so much stephanie!
Oh my gosh, that flannel shirt is too stinkin’ cute!! He has the best facial expressions!
haha i think so too 🙂
I want to squeeze him! Beautiful letters mama 🙂
thanks friend!
Such a sweet little man! Lindsay, he is adorable! XOXO
Aww, this is so sweet and fun to read! It’s amazing how much they change so quickly.
Love it! Chase is adorable 🙂
He’s getting so big and is so handsome! Thanks for sharing these letters!
This is such a cute idea, and hopefully he will love reading them when he is a little older! I can’t get over what a handsome guy he is. And he makes the best facial expressions!!
These letters are precious and definitely something I want to do when I have kids one day. Thank you for sharing 🙂
That was so sweet 🙂 I found myself “awwww”ing out loud while I’m at work, haha! You have a great attitude toward motherhood and it’s really inspiring!
Thanks emily 🙂
Aww I love reading these letters. They are so precious! He is so adorable. I can’t get over his little smiles!!
I love reading about Baby Bean! He’s the cutest! 🙂 What a great idea to write letters to your baby. I would definitely do this if I ever have kids!
Aww this is so sweet 🙂 what a great way to remember it all!
so sweet. I had to laugh at the “you have a big head” portion! when I was little, I was so hairy that my dad called me gorilla baby, so I think Chase will appreciate these candid bits when he’s older 🙂
haha i hope so!
Love the update Lindsay! I’m browsing these with MiniE on my lap and she sees the pictures and excitedly yells..”BABEEE” and instantly wants to point out his nose!
He’s adorable!
awww love it!
Oh Lindsay, he’s a little dude! I can’t believe how fast he’s been growing. He’s a wee smasher x
This is so cute! My little one will turn three months next week; I can’t believe how fast the time went by! Each day is a new discovery and, each day, I fall a little more in love. It’s the hardest job I’ve ever had, but when he smiles… well, it’s all worth it!
He is such a cutie! I saw your comment about bottle feeding on Sarah’s blog yesterday, so I thought I’d chime in here. I’ve never had a desire to breastfeed (at all), so when the time comes for me, I really think I’d like to, and be much more relaxed/comfortable bottle feeding. I know I’ll get some criticism for it, but I feel like as long as the baby is eating and growing, that’s what matters! I know that you were really sick while breastfeeding (and I give you so much credit for trying!), but has bottle feeding gone well? Was your pediatrician helpful in giving you advice as to what formula to use, etc.?
he’s always done really well with bottles. even when he was just a few days old and we had to supplement with formula he had no trouble switching back and forth. we tried a few different kinds to find one we liked but overall no problems! we didn’t actually ask our dr what kind to use. we had a sample of similac and that’s what we started on and what we’re still using. but def talk to your doctor and your ob and friends/relatives to hear about experiences with all different kinds and do your research! good luck!