Hi Friends!
Happy Registered Dietitian Day! As you may remember, last year on this day, I wasn’t even an RD yet! I was in the last month of my internship. Pretty crazy to think about.
Anyways, I did a post last year rounding up a list of Registered Dietitians Who Blog. You can check out the original post here. Here’s an updated list as some of them aren’t blogging anymore.
- Alysa at Inspired RD
- Elle at According To Elle (formerly Nutritionella)
- Anne at Fannetastic Food
- Lauren at Foodtrainers
- Katie at Healthy Heddleston
- Nicole at Prevention RD
- Sally at Real Mom Nutrition
- Melanie at Nutritious Eats
- Kristen at Swanky Dietitian
- Deanna & Serena at Teaspoon of Spice
- Robyn at The Real Life RD
- Janet at Nutrition Unplugged
- Carlene at Healthfully Ever After
- Heather at Side of Sneakers (she also blogs regularly at Babble)
I also gave special shoutouts to Alexis at Hummusapien and Carissa at Fit2Flex who were dietetic students like me at the time. Carissa is now officially an RD and Alexis is just 2 months away from getting her masters and taking her exam!
Since last year I’ve continued to add RD blogs to my Feedly so here are some new-to-me-this-year RD blogs that I didn’t include last year! They inspire me daily. I love reading their blogs because they post great recipes, tackle interesting nutrition topics and provide great tips to help people lead healthy, active lifestyles. Here they are, in no particular order (there are clickable links at the bottom):
And here’s the clickable links to their blogs. Go check them out!
- Steph at Food Coach Me
- Rachael at An Avocado A Day
- Alex at Delicious Knowledge
- Beth and Mandy at Dietitian Duo
- Francesca at Energy We Bring
- Helen at Food & Nonsense
- Dixya at Food, Pleasure & Health
- Ashley at The Gypsy Dietitian
- Wendy at Just Wendy Jo
- Kath at Kath Eats Real Food
- Meme at Living Well Kitchen
- Kristina at Love & Zest
- Megan at Nutrition Awareness
- Caroline at Sweet Foodie
- Christina at The Fueled Athlete
- EA at The Spicy RD
- Melissa at The Valentine RD
- Debbie at Dietitian Debbie Dishes
- Lisa & McKenzie at NourishRDs
- Janice & Liz at Meal Makeover Moms
- Danielle at Food Confidence
- Nic at Nic’s Nutrition
- Kristen at Real Food For Fuel
- Cassie at Dietitian Cassie
- Jenna at Fresh Food Perspectives
- Melissa at Sound Bites
- Jessica at Nutritioulicious
- Chris at Mohr Results
- Sharon at Sharon Palmer, RD
- Regan at Healthy Aperture – *various RD blog authors, plus a gallery to submit recipes to
- Stone Soup – the blog for Food & Nutrition Magazine written by a variety of RDs
Plus a special shoutout to two future RDs who aren’t quite there yet but well on their way!
Still want more? Find 660+ more RD Blogs at Nutrition Blogs Network!
I’m sure I’ve missed some great ones, but this roundup of 50 blogs should give you a good start if you’re looking for some new reading!
I also can’t let this day pass without giving a huge thank you to every single RD who has helped me on my own personal journey. Special thanks to my mentor and boss Regan, who has believed in me from the day we met…every step of the way…She gives me the opportunity to do what I love every single day and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Let’s chat: Do you have a favorite RD blogger that’s not on the list? Leave me a link!
**Updated: Here are more RD blog suggestions from the comments section of this post:
The Vegan RD
Flavor RD
Have Your Cake And…
Sinful Nutrition
Beautifully Nutty
Meals For Miles
Zen & Spice
Rebel Dietitian
Cape Fear Nutrition
Zest & Zeal
Down To Earth Dietitian
Hevil’s Healthy Devil – RD student
Get my free Table Talk email series where I share bite-sized nutrition information about carbs, protein, and fat, plus bonus information about snacks and sugar!
That is quite an impressive list. Happy RD Day! My favorite RD blogger is Ginny Messina, the Vegan RD: http://www.theveganrd.com
Happy RD Day! I love your sentiment about thanking the RDs that have supported us along the way. Our profession has an incredible community.
And wow, what a list! Many of my favorites, and many new names to explore too! I also love http://foodess.com and can’t help but plug my own new blog http://flavorrd.com
I think you hit them all!! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Can’t wait to add more awesome blogs to my feedly!!
The best list ever!! Lindsay do you mind if I email you about why you chose RD over the other types of licenses/certifications? Thanks!
What a great list! There’s a few I follow already but I’m off to find more. Always looking for more yum in my life!
What a fun list to look at and click through. Thanks!
Great post! Now, in addition to your blog, I have some new ones to check out!
Great list! I follow a few that you’ve listed, and now I have more blogs to follow 🙂
Wow! Great list! Can’t wait to start reading this morning!
Dixya is one of my favorites! I love her blog!!
What a great list!! …and thanks so much for the kind words. I mean it when I say I couldn’t do what I do without you. You inspire me in return, and I’m a better RD for having you on my team 🙂 The RD world got a whole lot better this last year when you joined the ranks!!
wow so many rd’s!!!!!
ooh I’ve been seeking new blogs to read, great list. and thank you for the shout out (even if I’m a blogger has been ha ha). I cannot tell you how often I hear people suggesting your blog so keep it up. All the best, happy RD day.
I love RD blogs (as well as holistic nutritionists), and always trust your judgement when it comes to food! Real food! <3
My lovely friend/3rd cousin (?? we haven't ever figured it out completely) Jenn has amazing recipes, food photography, and lots of baking/cooking tips. You can find her at foodess.com, and she's based in Vancouver 🙂
Thank you for the list! I am always looking for new RD blogs to read and can’t wait to check out all of these! 🙂
Quite frankly I HAD NO IDEA so many RDs blogged!
Thanks Lindsay for doing this… And Happy RD day to all! Honored to be in your company 🙂
Great list! Some are familiar and some are new to me.
Thanks for including me and happy to hear about so many great RD blogs. Time for me to find some new favorites in this list!
SO many good blogs!! I can’t imagine how many blogs you have in your feedly 🙂 Haha Love finding new ones, though, and this list is amazing!
Looks like you covered it to me! You’re so good at these shout outs. Enjoy celebrating National RD day!!
Me!! Another RD over here at Haveyourcakeand.com
Also I know another Emily at sinfulnutrition.com and Melanie at beautifullynutty.com
Happy RD day!!
What a comprehensive list! Very nice of you to do that for everyone.
This is a great list! My favorite RD blogger is Kelly from Meals for Miles…. http://www.mealsformilesblog.com/
Oh how I love my newest favorite RD! Ali Miller! I didn’t see her blog listed! https://www.facebook.com/alimillerRD
I’m a fan of PreventionRD! She’s got some great recipes and is also a fellow Ohioan like yourself!
Alexis, Robyn, and Kylie have some of my favorite blogs!! I LOVE seeing what wisdom (and great recipes!) they have to share. Thank you for this list. I have LOTS of new blogs to check out!
yayy few more RDs to add one my feedly 🙂
As an RD to be, avid blog reader, and new blogger (CitNutritionally.com) this is a fantastic list! Love having all of these resources in 1 place!
Thanks & Happy RD Day!
I feel like patting myself on the back for following so many of these already!!! I hope that means I’m continuing to learn and make better choices all the time.
Hi Lindsay! Happy 1st ever RD Day! Thanks for this list. I truly didn’t know there were so many RD-bloggers. I spend more time blogging then reading, obviously. Would love to make your list some day 🙂 Thanks for doing what you do. Always an inspiration to me. –Julia Robarts, MS, MPH, RD, LDN
Such an awesome list!!! Can’t wait to follow new blogs!!
Lindsay, what a great post! I’m pinning, retweeting, everything! It’s perfect for RD day! 🙂 To all the RD’s out there (esp. the RD bloggers!) — cheers! Lots of new blogs to follow, too! Woo!! 🙂
Thanks so much for the love! Great round up! Happy RD Day 🙂
Happy RD day! 🙂 Love this list– includes some of my favorite bloggers! I am also an RD and I’m about a year into blogging, I just re-branded my website over at zenandspice.com. Newbie blogger 🙂 Your website is an inspiration for me!
Happy RD Day! I wanted to share my blog, http://www.rebel-dietitian.com/ where I write about rebelling against traditional diets –sharing recipes, self-care tips and stories on what it’s actually like living with or working with a REBEL dietitian!
You are seriously amazing – this list is incredible! So honored to be part of such a great group. Thanks for putting this together. I’ll be updating my Feedly with a few new blogs this afternoon! Happy RD Day to one of my faves!
so many great blogs!! It makes me smile to think about just how many people are positively influenced by them!
There are so many great blogs. Thanks for sharing. =) You guys inspire me!
What about undergraduate students, such as me? Lol
Another great RD blogger is Eat Good 4 Life. She has amazing recipes and beautiful pictures on her blog!
First off, thanks for the include and so fun to see so many members of Recipe ReDux, too! And l love that you do this ongoing list – a few RD blogs that I didn’t know about that I’m off to check. A few more that I follow and really like:
Diane @ Cape Fear Nutrition
Jaime @ Zest & Zeal
Jen @ Down to Earth Dietitian
Thanks for the list!! I’m updating my feedly now!
WOW, that is a long list . I wasn’t aware of so many RD bloggers. Very cool! Bookmarking this page so I can check them out later. Thank you!
Great list, Lindsay! I’ll add my blog here – my major focus is on menu planning and recipes with a few other nutrition topics thrown in.
Happy RD Day!! Thanks for sharing this comprehensive list!
Looking for some new favorites that go beyond recipes and pictures of workouts/meals… Any suggestions for blogs that cover deeper topics such as controversial nutrition topics and advocacy?
Love the recipes and meal planning, but I can’t keep up!
try Fooducate, Foodtrainers, Real Mom Nutrition, Nutrition Unplugged, Dietitian Cassie, and Rebel Dietitian!
Cheers to us! Thanks for including me! Updating my feed for sure.
Wow this is quite the list! Now that I am only one class away from spring break I fully intend on stalking…i mean reading these blogs all week!
Happy day to you!!! Thx for all this info – so much as usual but great resources!
Thanks for the great list! I am a RD with a new blog! Perhaps you may consider taking a peak at it sometime! Happy RD day!! 🙂
This is a great list! I’m excited to check them all out. I think blogging is a great outlet for RDs to share their knowledge.
Wow! What a fabulous round-up & honored to be included in your list! I love how supportive you are of other RDs and food bloggers-so much deliciousness to share :-). I would add to this list Chow and Chatter & Edible Potential-2 more of my favorites. Happy RD Day to you!!!
Happy RD Day! Thanks so much for including me in the list of RD bloggers, Lindsay 🙂
Thanks for including my blog Lindsay! Really appreciate the support from fellow RDs and I’m so excited to learn of new RD blogs to follow! As always, love my daily dose of Lean Green Bean 🙂
Just having a chance to go through this list – can’t wait to find some new RDs who blog! Love being able to connect with other RDs.
I am a dietetics student at Colorado State University, and I blog at http://newestobsession.com/! We met at FNCE this year at the Food & Nutrition Magazine Tweet up. I’d love to be included on your list. Thank you for posting all of these in one spot, I am inspired by all of them!
yes! definitely remember you. other RDs are such an inspiration aren’t they?!
Nutrition Stripped! Haha me!
I’m a dietetic intern right now, so also a soon to be RD blogger! Can’t wait to be a RD on next year’s RD day 🙂 Another favorite RD blogger of mine is McKel Hill, RD, LDN of Nutrition Stripped (www.nutritionstripped.com)
Thx for sharing my blog! You rock!
Thanks so much for including me Lindsay! Your work and all that you do truly inspires me every single day! Keep at it girl! You rock!
Thanks for the shoutout, Lindsay!! So honored to be among so many fab RD bloggers…including you!!!
Awesome list Lindsay! Lots of my favorites- I’m a longtime RD and a newer blogger. Please stop by and visit some time! http://CravingSomethingHealthy.com
will def check it out!