Hi Friends!
It’s been about 3 months since I did my last day in the life post, so I thought I’d throw together another one. I know not everyone is interested in these but I do get questions about our schedule so I thought I’d share! Plus I like looking back on them 🙂
Note, all of these pics aren’t from the same day and of course our schedule varies day to day but this should give you a rough idea of how we spend our time! So here we go:
6:00 – I get up and feed the animals. I usually spend about 30 min on the computer while they eat, go outside etc. If I’m super busy with deadlines and work I’ll stay up , if not, back to bed.
7:30/8:30 – Squish wakes up sometime in this hour window usually. I get him from his crib and bring him into our bed for a little while to chat with daddy, wake up, etc…then we head downstairs and eat while dad gets ready for work. Note- he’s only been sleeping in his crib overnight for about a week. I was planning to start the transition when we got back from Minnesota and while we were there he went several nights without waking up to eat around 5am like he had been doing previously so I knew he was ready to drop that early morning feeding and it seemed like a good time to transition to the crib.
I give him a bottle, then get my oatmeal ready. We sit on the floor and I eat my oats, while feeding him Cheerios to distract him from sticking his fingers in my bowl.
We play for a while. He’s usually in a great mood in the morning but only likes to stay up for a hour to an hour and a half after he wakes up before he starts to get tired again.
9/10am – Sometime around this time he does down for a nap, depending on when he woke up. I usually just let him nap on the couch and once he falls asleep I grab my computer and get to work.
I try to cram as much work as possible into naptime. He usually takes his best nap in the morning and it typically lasts 1.5- 2 hours.
11/11:30 – He typically wakes up from his nap. We play some more and I typically let him play by himself for at least a little while while I sit nearby and chat with him while I work or head to the kitchen and do some recipe development while he plays. I want him to be able to play independantly and not just when he has someone to entertain him.
12/12:30 – Daddy comes home for lunch. He eats and I put Squish in his high chair so he can eat to. After that he hangs with dad for a little bit and I try to inhale some food or take pictures or work a little more.
1:30ish – He gets another bottle and typically goes down for another nap. This time I usually put him down on the bed upstairs. Then it’s a race against the clock because I never know how long he’s sleep but this is when i try to cram in my picture taking, more work, etc and occasionally a workout if i can’t get to the gym for some reason (like when we had several weeks of evening swim classes). He usually sleeps 1-1.5 hours if I’m lucky.
3:00 – When he wakes up, we play, throw the ball for Tucker, sit outside if it’s nice, walk the dogs, etc. He gets another bottle around 4:30/5.
5:15- Dad comes home. I pass him off and go get ready to workout. I head to Crossfit while Squish and dad hang.
They usually end up napping around 6 and are typically still sleeping when I get home.
6:30/8 – Squish wakes up. This nap is super variable. Sometimes he wakes up right when I get home, sometimes he sleeps til 7:30 or 8. Whenever he wakes up we head downstairs to hang out while dad works out. If we’re eating dinner early because it’s a rest day or are out to dinner or with friends or something, he’ll get some more finger foods to keep him busy while we eat…it just depends on the timing of our dinner that night.
9:00 – He gets his last bottle of the night around this time and then we get him ready for bed. Around 9:30 I give him his oatmeal (it’s actually a mix of oatmeal, scrambled egg and prunes. It’s quite the mixture but he loves it). This helps get him nice and full before bed and right now he’s going about 11 hours without eating overnight.
9:30/10 – Squish goes to bed on the couch around this time. Yes, we could bring him upstairs but he sleeps fine on the couch and we like having him close by 🙂 Hubby and I eat dinner, watch tv and I typically do more work, especially early in the week when I’m busiest.
12/12:30 – I head to bed. I bring Squish up and put him in his crib, read a little bit and then fall asleep!
I know this isn’t the most typical schedule, but it’s working for us right now and I think that’s the most important thing I’ve learned as a parent – Do what works for you and don’t worry about anyone else!
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Maryea {Happy Healthy Mama} says
Wow 6 months already?! I am fascinated that he’ll sleep on the couch while you guys hang out and watch TV or whatever. I feel like my kids stopped being able to do that by 2 months! I’m jealous. 🙂 He’s such a cutie! I think your day sounds wonderful.
Jennifer Jaggers says
Can you share how you make his night time bottle of oatmeal, eggs, and prunes?
Lindsay says
they’re not in the bottle. it’s a bottle and then separately a bowl of oatmeal with scrambled eggs and prunes mixed together
Brynn says
What a happy guy! I have been working on independent play time as well. My son loves it, it is me who needs to work on staying back a few feet to encourage him. Ha!
Danielle @ Little Mama Big Life says
I love reading posts like these! Our first had a pretty late bed/wake time too! My husband works late most nights and it was the only way he’d get to see him some days! I agree that you totally have to do what’s right for your family and not exactly what all the books say!
Jenn@Mark My Miles! says
As a new mom myself, I love these posts. What a busy day you have!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine says
Busy momma day! But so worth it with his cutie little face <3 AWWW!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
He is so cute! I love that last picture of him sleeping! And also how you made a schedule that works for the both of you!
kristin | W [H] A T C H says
i don’t have kids and always find it so fascinating to see how folks with children structure their days. love these posts!
Erin @ Erin's Inside Job says
I can’t believe it’s been 6 months already! He is so cute and I definitely like these posts since I don’t have a kid and have no idea what their schedules are. Preparation…
Stephanie @ My Freckled Life says
I love reading these posts, especially since I’m about to have a kiddo of my own (any day now… come on, buddy!) and I love to get an idea of what works for other parents! Sounds like you guys have a great schedule going for you, and I’m sure his ability to sleep on the couch/through noise will serve him (and you) quite well in the future!
Terita @ Kid Can Eat says
I loved this! I have an October baby like you, and her sleep schedule is a lot like Chases’s. Her naps are shorter, and she goes to sleep a little earlier as a result. Your little guy is so cute!
Eunice says
I worked from home until Parker was 6 months old and we had a similar schedule. It was definitely a challenge but I miss spending all day with him like that. Thanks for sharing. It brings back memories even though it really wasn’t that long ago! Crazy how things change so quickly with babies. 🙂
amelia@i_heart_kale says
I love reading these posts. C is 6 months now and I’m so happy we’ve established somewhat of a schedule. We just started a combo of BLW and pureed. So far so good.
I’m envious that squish will still nap/sleep anywhere. C has to be in her crib, sound machine, etc or she melts down!
Melissa says
I love that you let him nap wherever instead of feeling like he must nap in a baby contraption. Congrats on him sleeping through the night! I can’t wait. for that!