
Seek & Find


You Can Have Hard Days

10 months

Dear Alyssa – Month 10

day in the life

A Day In The Life – 2.75 Years + 9 Months


Best of the Bean – Year 7

thred up

Thursday Things – ThreadUp


Thursday Things – Better Life Bags

9 months

Dear Alyssa – Month 9

8 months

Dear Alyssa – Month 8

seven months

Dear Alyssa – Month 7

day in the life

A Day in the Life – 2.5 Years + 6 Months

six months

Dear Alyssa – Month 6


Dear Alyssa – Month 5

table talk, the lean green bean
table talk, the lean green bean

Get my free Table Talk email series where I share bite-sized nutrition information about carbs, protein, and fat, plus bonus information about snacks and sugar!