Hi Friends!
Happy Thursday. Today I just wanted to share a quick post for you about my newest kitchen appliance- my pressure cooker!
My parents got me this Fagor Duo 8-Quart Pressure Cooker for Christmas and I love it. I’ve always kinda felt that the pressure cooker is a somewhat unnecessary kitchen appliance. And in a way, it is. Anything you can do in a pressure cooker, you can do another way…it just takes longer.
I remember while I was growing up, my mom would use hers occasionally…and I always thought it was cool to watch, but never thought about it much more than that. A few years ago, when my parents moved…the pressure cooker was one of the larger things my mom took with her. I remember thinking that was weird, because their new kitchen was much smaller and it seemed like it was taking up unnecessary space.
Well, my friends, now I understand why…because IT’S AWESOME!
The first thing I used it for was brown rice. This baby can cook brown rice in 15 minutes instead of 40! Not quite as fast as my Uncle Ben’s 90 Sec Brown rice, but still…15 minutes is a huge improvement!
Next, I knew I wanted to try it on with some dried beans. As you guys know, I like to make a whole bag of dried beans at once, and then I portion them into ziploc bags and freeze them so I can just pull them out when I need them! However, I’d just made a batch of black beans right before Christmas, so I didn’t need to make any more of those…
But I still wanted to try it out! So, I picked up some dried chickpeas. I make a lot of hummus and roasted chickpeas but I’ve never been a fan of dried chickpeas. The first time I bought them, I wasn’t a fan of how they turned out….but I decided it was worth another shot with the pressure cooker!
So get this- using a pressure cooker, you can go from dried chickpeas (not even pre-soaked) to totally cooked in 40 minutes!!! AMAZING!!!! And even more amazing? Hummus from dried chickpeas can be ready in 45 minutes! LOVE 🙂
So, the fast rice is awesome, the quick hummus is amazing but probably my favorite use for my pressure cooker so far is hard boiled eggs! 7 minutes to perfectly cooked hard boiled eggs that peel SO EASILY!
Guys, I know you’ve all struggled with peeling a hard boiled egg. You know how frustrating it is when the shell only comes off in tiny little pieces, and then they get stuck to your fingers and to the egg itself and it’s just one big frustrating mess?! Well this definitely solves the problem.
I did some online research about the best way to pressure cook eggs and a lot of things I read said you needed to keep the eggs separated so they didn’t bang into each other or they would crack. So for my first test, I stood the eggs on end in beer bottle caps. Truthfully, I spent the whole 7 minutes praying that the whole thing didn’t explode in my kitchen.
But despite my concerns, it worked perfectly and they were all still standing when they were done. Then I decided that it seemed like a bit of unnecessary work getting them all balance in there. So the next time I just put a bunch in there and hoped for the best. Another success. A couple of them did crack, but it wasn’t until the egg was already at least partially cooked, so there was no messy water, just a few cracked shells that made them even easier to peel!
I’m in love, I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it 🙂
Next on my list- pressure cooker risotto. My mom makes it all the time. Perfectly cooked, without the one hour of constant stirring.
I guess what I’m trying to say is….if you have the room for it, and you see one on sale- grab yourself a pressure cooker. So worth it!
I also found this awesome website Hip Pressure Cooking that’s basically devoted to how cool pressure cooking is.
So tell me, do you have a pressure cooker? Do you want one? Do you have a favorite pressure cooker recipe?
Today’s Workout:
Put together a bench workout that only require the use of a bench and your body weight. It can be done anywhere there’s a bench. In your basement, at the gym, at a park…
Here are the reps I did for rounds 1 & 2: Jump-ups (20,22), Pushups (27,31), Lunges-right & left (26, 29), Dips (31, 30), One Leg Step-ups- right & left (23, 25), Leg lifts (25,26), One leg squats-right & left (20, 22), In & Outs (29, 32), Calf Raises (45, 45).
Here’s me doing my best to explain all the moves in writing:
Bench Jump-ups: Start straddling the bench. Squat down and jump up with both feet landing on the bench. Step down and repeat.
Incline pushups– Place your hands on the side of the bench and do a pushup
Decline pushups– Place your hands on the floor and your toes on the bench and do a pushup
Lunges: Place one toe on the bench and step out with the other leg. Move up and down, forming a 90 degree angle with your front knee, then switch legs.
Dips: Place your hands on the side of the bench and use your triceps to move your body up and down
Step-ups: Start with both feet on the ground, stepup with one foot, follow with the other, and then back down
Leg Lifts– Lay on the bench with your legs hanging off one end. Bring your legs up so they’re perpendicular with the floor and then back down to parallel.
One legged squats: Balance on one leg, squat down and touch your but to the bench and stand back up.
In and Outs: Balance your butt on the bench and lean back. Pull your arms and legs into your chest. Lean back and extend your arms and legs out, then pull back in as you sit up.
Calf Raises: Stand on the edge of the bench or on the ground next to the bench and raise up and down on your toes.
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Mattie @ Comfy and Confident says
I have never used a pressure cooker but I think I need to invest in one. I am all about efficiency.
Lindsay @ In Sweetness and In Health says
Um, how have I never heard of a pressure cooker?? That thing sounds awesome! It sounds it would make things so much easier 🙂
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
So much fun! The only time I’ve used a pressure cooker was in Mexico a few years ago…but I agree it is amazing what it can do for beans. 🙂
The problem I have is that I don’t want to open my new Christmas presents because I don’t want my roommates to use them. Thus, my amazing new rice cooker/”who knows what else it can do?” is still in a box on the counter…
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
I’ve never used or really thought about using a pressure cooker until recently. Now it seems like everyone is making delicious meals in them! It would be really nice to come home from work and have dinner ready.
Sarah K. @ The Pajama Chef says
so cool! maybe i’ll invest in one after we move and have more kitchen space. right now i’m on hold from any new kitchen appliances… no room in the inn. 🙂
Kelly @ Laughter, Strength, and Food says
I may have to go out and get another one. I’ll still panic the entire time it’s cooking, but hopefully, the end result will make up for the stress!! 😉
Rachel @ The Avid Appetite says
I have never used a pressure cooker and have never been tempted to do so…until now! It sounds awesome!
Lindsay says
such a cool appliance 🙂
sarah @ sarah learns says
hmmm, i never really wanted a pressure cooker until i read this post! 🙂 i think i’ll have to wait until i have a bigger kitchen though – i don’t have room for all of my appliances as it is! i can’t add anything else to the mix yet!
Lindsay says
keep it on your list for a house!
Tasha @ Dine & Dash says
I’ve been banned from getting any new appliances because we have no more space! but it looks great
Jessica F says
I’ve actually acquired 2 (one’s suuuuper old school). I’m scared to use them though! I would love more posts about your trials!
I am challenging myself to start testing pressure cooking out. Everyone who uses one seems to praise it…plus… it can’t be that hard, right?!
Lindsay says
it’s not hard at all!! give it a try!
Talia @ Bite Size Wellness says
I always see pressure cookers in my favorite Food Network shows and think it is amazing that they make pulled pork in less than an hour! Now if only my NYC apartment had more cabinet space…:)
I can’t wait to see what else you create!
Lindsay says
yeah that’s the worst part- how much space they take up!! i need a whole wall of shelves just for my appliances!
Brittany (healthy slice of life) says
Boiled eggs! What a fabulous idea! Making those this weekend 🙂 and I look forward to trying dried chickpeas soon, too. I already picked up a bag
Lindsay says
good luck! they’re so awesome!
mom says
So glad you love it! I can’t wait to try some of the new things you discover- eggs for example- who knew! Love you!
Lindsay says
don’t know how i thought of it! had to do some googling to make sure it would really work and not explode!
Matt @ The Athlete's Plate says
Ok, I totally need one of these for eggs!
Lindsay says
yes you do! they make even smaller ones that would be cheaper and take up less space, like 6 qt i think!
Pure2raw twins says
ok I think I need a pressure cooker! love this!
Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says
I got a pressure cooker many years ago when my husband and I were first married. I was startled to use it even though my mother-in-law used hers all of the time. After reading this I may have to “rediscover” this appliance!!
Lindsay says
yes! definitely pull it out again!
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says
Never heard of pressure cooking eggs. That is pretty cool. I am scared to use one. Always afraid the top is going to bust open. LOL. That’s cool, perfect hard boiled eggs… I like that (how long did it take you to stand them on beer caps?). 😉
Lindsay says
haha balancing them was the hardest part! i was scared of mine at first too…but it’s just so awesome to use!
Jill, The Veggie Queen says
It’s great to hear that you love your pressure cooker. I love all of mine.
I have been teaching people how to pressure cook successfully for more than 15 years. Most people are amazed at how wonderfully quick and easy it is to make great food.
In addition to beans and grains, you can make soup, stew, chili, 3-minute steel cut oats and even dessert.
I just wrote a book on pressure cooking called The New Fast Food: The Veggie Queen Pressure Cooks Whole Food Meals in Less than 30 Minutes. Perhaps you’d like your own PDF copy and one to give away. Just let me know.
Lindsay says
sounds amazing! i sent you an email through the contact form on your website!
Hannah @ eat, drink and save money says
I have wanted a pressure cooker for a while! You have convinced me to finally get one.
Lindsay says
awesome! let me know what you make first!!
Jill, The Veggie Queen says
Sorry to hear about your puppy. Didn’t receive your email so please email me at jill at theveggiequeen.com. I will respond. Great to be in touch.
KaraHadley says
I am so scared of my pressure cooker. For some reason I always think that I’m going to blow my kitchen up.
Laura @ hip pressure cooking says
Thanks for the link, you’re doing great! Can’t wait to read what you’ll pressure cook-up, next!
Heather says
I love my pressure cookers and love finding more uses for it. Thanks for a very informative post. I have several recipes on my site that I’ve tried or want to try that you can check out if you want. I also love cooking hard boiled eggs in mine – they are so easy! And beans and grains, etc. etc.
Lindsay says
awesome! heading over to check it out right now. thanks!
Pat says
One of the best things you can do with a pressure cooker — besides having 4lbs of carrots and parsnips ready to puree in under 8 minutes — is to make pot roast. Throw in the brisket or the chuck roast, add carrots, onion, celery, potatoes and herbs of your choice, [plus liquid for the gravy, including a bit of wine if you like] and pot roast is ready in about 30 minutes! I have even taken my meat out of the deep freeze and put it directly into the cooker with the veggies and liquid for the gravy. It will take one hour to cook from frozen, but in the oven, a defrosted one takes three hours to bake. Quite a time saver!