Hi Friends!
It’s Monday. But not just any Monday. My break is over and today is my first day at my school food service rotation. This rotation is 4 weeks long and i’m hoping it will go by quickly. Actually I’m hoping the whole rest of my internship will go by quickly.
My mom posted this quote on my fb wall the other day:
It couldn’t be more true for me. Almost exactly 4 years ago, I left work early and drove down to the local community college to attend the first night of my “going back to school” adventure. It was a Sanitation and Safety class and it bored me to tears.
Over the next 4 years I went on a whirlwind ride. I went from just going back to become a Diet Tech to deciding I wanted to take it all the way to becoming an RD. I took more math and science classes than I ever wanted to. I spent more hours studying for those classes than I care to admit. I worked full-time while taking 3 classes a quarter. I quit my job to go to school full-time. I got accepted to Ohio State. I took classes at two schools simultaneously while working a part-time job. I graduated. I gave a speech as valedictorian. I passed my Diet Tech exam. I made new friends. I learned A LOT about nutrition. I took tests. I did so many case studies that if I never have to do another one again, it will be too soon. I worked my ass off to maintain a 4.0 GPA. I applied for internships. I spent dozens of sleepless nights stressing about internship applications. I got matched to my first choice internship. I graduated again. I started my internship. I completed 16 weeks of said internship.
It’s been a LONG road, friends. And I’m tired. I’m tired of being a student. I’m tired of being an intern. I’m ready to be done.
You’re probably wondering why I’m tell you all of this…but there is a point!
The point is this: There were so many times on this journey when I could have given up. When I could have taken the easy way out…done something that would have taken less time. There were so many times when I could have done less, not worked as hard, just slid by. But here’s the thing:
So I didn’t give up. I worked harder. Because I’m doing this for me. So that I can spend the rest of my life doing what I love. And yeah, 4 years seems like a ridiculously long time…but like the quote says, those 4 years would have passed anyways. And if I HADN’T made the choice to follow my dreams, it would still be 4 years later, and I’d still probably working the same job- no better off than I was before.
Instead, I DID take those risks. And I’m HERE now. I’m happier. I’m smarter. And I’m less than 3 months away from finishing my Dietetic Internship!
It’s time for the final push.
3 more rotations.
1 big exam.
One dream COME TRUE 🙂
And then what happens?
Then it’s time for new dreams! Bigger dreams.
Stay tuned, friends- big things are coming!
So for those of you out there that are sitting around giving up on dreams just because you think they’re too big, or too hard, or that they’ll take too long…Remember this:
Dreams are meant to be scary.
They’re meant to push your limits.
And some of them may take a while to achieve.
But you know what?
That just means that when they do come true,
they’re that much sweeter!
PS. The winner of my Oakley Sunglasses giveaway has been chosen!
Congrats girl! I sent you an email 🙂
Get my free Table Talk email series where I share bite-sized nutrition information about carbs, protein, and fat, plus bonus information about snacks and sugar!
Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to see what you do with your degree. 🙂
I’m not gonna lie… I’m a little jealous. One day I’ll grow a pair and make a career change… I think…
Good luck Lindsay!
You should be SO proud of all the hard work and effort you’ve put into getting where you are. Amazing!! I can’t wait to see what you do with it all.
PS- The “dreams don’t work unless you do” quote is one of my favorites!
Lindsay, you don’t have any idea how timely this post is- I have it saved in my google reader so I can come back to it and respond with more but I wanted to at least comment. Oh, and interestingly enough- I have a post scheduled for Tuesday about dreaming big dreams!
You got this!
I remember hearing someone complain about taking a year to work on something. The year’s gonna go by anyways – wouldn’t you rather have X goal completed by then? People are always shocked when I tell them it took me 2 years to lose 60 pounds because it seems like forever. Well, it was, and that was 4 years ago and every day I’m grateful I stayed with it!
This is a very timely post for me as I am working full time as a teacher and my first day of grad school is next week. I’m not going back for the usual teacher stuff like administration or a master’s in education. I’m going for mental health counseling which is a completely different and unexpected route for a music teacher. It will take at least four years to complete and two years after that to be state licensed. I’m also working on losing around 80 pounds, so it is a dream big time in my life right now.
Girl I LOVE this post! And I have felt the exact same way and wanted to give up so many times. I start my first internship tomorrow in the hospital. Keep pushing, you’re so close!
You got this! You inspire me daily & I love following your journey toward THIS dream! 🙂
best of luck girl!! you can do it…you have done so much. hang in there because we know you will be doing great things (even though you are already are doing great things!) so happy for you
oh woman, i have been in your shoes. And let me just say, you do it with more joy and poise than i ever did. True PASSION! Go get em!
Best of luck!! I’ve been there (hello, grad school) and it’s tough towards the end. Your passion is infectious! DO IT!
Such a great post and it makes me even more certain in my decision to go back to school too! I felt so uncomfortable going back last year and thought it was a mistake almost immediately, but I’m glad I got past that initial shock!! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this new path (for both of us!!)
Now THATS how to start a Monday 🙂
Congratulations on everything!
You got this girl! The light is at the end of the tunnel! And just remember what a difference in so many people’s lives you are making!!
Hear, hear!!!!
Good luck getting through the day! Before you know it, 3 months will be over quickly! I applaud you for setting your goals and sticking to them!
Good luck Lindsay!! Let me know if you want to come and help me update ALL my clients to ADIME status 🙂 Talk to Julie, she’ll know what I’m talking about!
Funny, I just pinned that quote your mom sent you, YESTERDAY. Ironic. I love it.
Congrats!! You are so close to being done 🙂
I just LOVE this post. There’s not much more that I can pick to use other than that word. I’m so proud of you and hard you work to become who you want to become and to go where you want to go. That’s how it should be. My husband gets upset sometimes when I spend a lot of time with my nose in the books, and when my 4.0 shows up at the end of the semester, he understands. It’s just what you do when you’re passionate and hardworking. (And he’s just as nose-to-the-grindstone when it comes to work. lol)
Here’s to your final 3 months, girlfriend!!!
it’s time for some new dreams here, too.
That is so awesome! Congrats!
I love this! It’s so true that the time passes by anyway – so you might as well suck it up and push for your dreams! I can’t think of one thing that I’ve pushed for or even failed at that didn’t help me in the long run. You just have to keep reminding yourself that it IS worth it.
Good luck with your final push!
What a brilliant post I love this! Best of luck with your new career!
You are so cute, love your quotes. It is a long journey but it’s a great career choice. I’ve never regretted it and all those long hours will make you a better RD. Hang in there!!
Congrats to you for working so darn hard for so darn long! What a great reward for all your hard work–doing a job you love. Well done!
You are amazing and deserve every wonderful thing in the world dear Lindsay! Congratulations! I can’t wait to feel the same way you do- I still have one more year to go!!
You are getting SO.CLOSE, Lindsay 🙂 I’m so excited for you. Your hard work and determination will pay off!
reading about everything you’ve accomplished so far is *so* inspirational! u are AMAZING 🙂 and so, so close to your finish line! really excited for you – you should be super proud… it’s going to be GREAT once you’re done! 🙂
You should be so incredibly proud. You’ve worked your butt off and it’s all about to pay off! Push through these next 3 months celebrating all along the way, and get excited!
Such an inspiring post! So excited for you! Can’t wait to hear about the next set of dreams you make come true. 🙂
Congrats and best wishes! This is really inspiring to read about. I just graduated college a year and a half ago and I’m still struggling to find my “path.” It’s extremely overwhelming. I’ve been trying to be more in tune with myself and what I really want out of life! A lot of soul-searching. I hope I’ll be able to find something to do that I love, like you are. 🙂
You have absolutely every reason to be proud of all your hard work and what you have accomplished. Pursuing your dreams IS scary and not many people have the guts to do it and you have. I’m so excited for you that you are almost done and can’t wait to see what’s next in your adventure because truly, you are one talented lady. xox
I SO needed to see this. Thank you. Sometimes I feel like I have so many dreams and not enough time. Truth is, I have my whole life. There’s no reason to give up just because it’ll take time … like you said, time will pass anyway. I might as well be striving towards everything I want (and deserve!).
Thanks for such a wonderful post, Lindsay! I have similar feelings about my journey and it is so nice to read such real and inspiring words from someone who is in a familiar position 🙂 Three. More. Months. So excited for you!! See ya tomorrow 😉
Congrats to you!!! Your words are encouraging and right – the last quote you have is one of my favorites. It’s okay to be a little sacred by your dreams – in fact, it must mean they are really good.
I’ve pinning that quote- if your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. Love it- so much truth. You are almost there! Can’t wait to see all the amazing things in store for you, friend!
So excited for you! You go girl!
Great post! I am in a similar situation right now. Ready to make a career change, actually going back to school to be a RD as well. I keep putting it off, but know I just need to do something before this year goes by. Thanks for posting this and being an inspiration!
This post resonates with me 100million% 🙂 I can’t wait to see what lies ahead for you!!!!
Great post, Lindsey! Love your attitude and determination – you’re almost there!!
I am SO excited for you and SO proud of you!!!!!
“You go Girl,anything worth having,is worth the work”!! Many,let life pass them by,just working a so-so job,hate every day of it.I had the schooling,and worked all my life,loving my job.But,I went to school(5 days,6hrs. each),then worked 8hrs. 7days a year,for a year,then someone come hired me,without looking for a job.You work hard,someone will notice you,and you may be offered more than you could think about!!!
I’ve been working pretty hard on some of my dreams & they’re starting to come true. It’s an AMAZING feeling! <3 Congrats to you & good luck, girl!
Love this post girl! You are almost there!! When you are done…. we need to celebrate and finally have that meet up! 🙂 I’m so incredibly proud of you girl!
ROCK STAR! Truly amazing and admire your hard work, determination, and attitude of NEVER GIVING UP! Way to dream big and follow those dreams. XOXO
CONGRATS! 4 weeks is nothing compared to 4 years. You are one strong, hard working, determined woman! Go get it girl!!!
Congrats girl, you’re so close and YOU CAN DO IT!! 🙂
What a long journey!!…but, you know it will be so worth it in the end! The thought of going back to school has crossed my mind too many times than I’d care to admit, but I always dismiss the idea because of time, money, etc. Good for you for continuing and being so awesome at it!
Ahh I love that first one because here I am 25 years old and just starting the whole nutrition program. I’m like ehh do I really want to be 28 and still in school? YES! Thanks for the extra push and motivation to finish, I love reading about all of your experiences. Congrats and good luck in the future!:)
You got this! You’re amazing! I don’t know how you get everything done, but it’s inspiring to say the least! xoxo
thanks for your never-ending support Lisa! xoxo
Perfectly spoken. I just realized it’s been 8 years since I finished my undergrad and already 4 since grad school!!! And there were MONTHS during both that I just knew it would never end. Way to go 🙂
Love the motivational signs… off to pin and share the love.
thank you so much!
So you know that I’m struggling with some huge decisions right now, but this post totally had me teary-eyed by the end…you’re such an inspiration and you’re also absolutely right–if I’m scared to go after a dream then it’s probably the one most worth going after!
you’re so right, girl! you know i’m behind you 100%!!