Hi Friends!
It’s Monday. Probably the best Monday of my life. Wanna know why?
Oh, you can’t read that? Let me make it a little bigger for you!!
That’s right. Last night was match night for Dietetic Internships. First they make you wait 6 weeks from the time you submit your applications until the day you find out, AND THEN they make you wait until 7pm on match day to find out. It was torture! But it was all worth it because I matched 🙂 And I’m one step closer to becoming a Registered Dietitian. For the first time I actually feel totally confident that it will happen. Getting matched to an internship was the one thing that’s been hovering over my head for the past 3 years that was at least partially out of my control. Now that I have a spot in an internship, I have no doubt that I can successfully complete the internship and then go on to successfully pass the RD exam!
There are lots of different ways to become an RD. I thought this would be a good time to tell you guys a little bit more about me and the path I took. WARNING- long, rambling post ahead!
When I went to college for the first time, I attended a small, private university in Ohio. I majored in Psychology, graduated in 3 and a half years, had an awesome time and even met my hubby! After we graduated in December 2006, I went to work for a brand new preschool. I spent 6 months teaching 4 and 5 year olds all sorts of fun things. I realized pretty quickly that it was not what I wanted to do with my life. I love kids and enjoy being around them. I just didn’t want a career as a teacher.
One thing that really stuck out to me as I got to know my kids was their complete and total lack of nutrition education. So many of them had never had vegetables that I eat every day, like red peppers and sweet potatoes. Another thing that stuck out was their lack of physical activity. When I was a kid, I was constantly running around outside, playing tag and riding my bike. But when it came time for recess, these kids were choosing to just sit in the grass or sit in front of the computer.
It made me sad. I started making little changes to my lesson plans so they could include things like fruit and veggie tastings and growing plants from seeds. At recess I introduced the kids to games like freeze tag and simon says to get them moving. When I left the preschool, I was more focused than ever on healthy eating and nutrition. About a month after I quit my job, the hubby and I got engaged (August 2007). I contemplated going back to school but knew that it would be too much to try to look for a job, go to school and plan a wedding. I promised myself that if I was still thinking about it after the wedding was over that I would do it!
I started working for an insurance company after a few months (September 2007) and had a steady job there that I didn’t hate, but I definitely didn’t love. After we got married (September 2008), I realized that going back to school was what I needed to do in order to be truly happy. I researched programs in the area and decided to start at a community college since it was significantly cheaper but still had a reputable program. I applied, was accepted and enrolled to start classes in January of 2009.
The first few quarters, I took 3 classes per quarter and worked 40 hours a week. I had three quarters before I could officially start the Diet Tech program so I used them to take prerequisite classes. And let me tell you, I had a lot of them. When I went to school the first time, I didn’t take any math or physical sciences. I hated them and wanted to avoid them at all costs. I didn’t really need them to be a pscyh major (which is why it was the best major to pick- in my opinion).
That approach wasn’t going to fly this time around. The dietetics curriculum is VERY science based. I had to take a lot of basic biology, chemistry and math classes before I could even start taking the courses required for the program.
A Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR) does a lot of the same work an RD, but they must always work under an RD’s license. In the fall of 2009, when I officially started the Diet Tech program, we had someone from Ohio State come and talk to us about their RD program. I immediately realized that I wanted more independence than I could have as a Diet Tech, so I met with the necessary people to figure out what I needed to do to become an RD. Ohio State had an agreement worked out with the community college which allowed me to finish the Diet Tech program and then transfer all of those credits over to OSU to get credit for courses in their program. Plus, I would be required to take many additional courses above and beyond the Diet Tech program for the RD program.
Over the next six quarters, I whittled away at the list of courses I needed to complete. I had to take a different practicum each quarter to help complete the 450 hours of supervised practical experience that’s required to become a Diet Tech. We rotated through a long-term care facility, a WIC clinic, a school kitchen and a hospital. In December of 2010, I quit my job so that I could take more classes. We were spending 8-16 hours a week in practicums, plus going to several classes and it was getting too hard to make up the extra hours at work that I had to miss to go to class.
In January 2011, I started taking classes at Ohio State as well. There were a few prereqs for the RD program that I couldn’t take at the community college. So, for two quarters I was taking classes at two schools and working part-time. In March 2011 I got a part-time job as a Diet Aide because I had no job related experience in the field and that’s pretty much a requirement for getting an internship.
In June 2011, I graduated from the community college. I actually was the Valedictorian of my class (nerd alert!) and I had to give a speech in front of a couple thousand people. It was terrible! While completing the Diet Tech program and taking courses for OSU, I took 36 classes including TONS of math and science.
Some of the classes I took:
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- General Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Biology
- Microbiology
Plus all of the nutrition classes. And guess what- I earned A’s in every single one of them! Courses that I avoided for years because I didn’t think I could pass them, I not only passed- but excelled in. It wasn’t easy. I spent HOURS and HOURS studying, especially for anatomy and o-chem…but I did it. And I proved to myself that I can do pretty much anything I put my mind to.
I continued taking classes at OSU, more science- including 2 quarters of Biochemistry) and in September 2011, I took my registration exam and become a Dietetic Technician, Registered. Once I become and RD, I will no longer be able to use the DTR credentials, but I wanted to have them now in case something were to happen and I couldn’t become an RD (ie if I hadn’t gotten matched to an internship).
I am doing a didactic Dietetics program at Ohio State. This means that you complete all your coursework and then during your senior year you apply for an internship. If you get matched, you graduated from the school and then continue to do your internship the next year, possibly at the same school (like i’m doing) or at a different school. Internships are extremely competitive. Less than 50% of dietetic students that apply are matched. For the internship I matched to, they had 100 people apply last year and they accepted 12. SO, it’s pretty stressful. I applied to 4 schools. OSU is the only program here in Columbus and the other three I applied to were distance internships that would have allowed me to stay here and do my internship by securing my own preceptors (RDs willing to take responsibility for me during my supervised practice hours- all 1200 of them that are required).
A lot of schools, including OSU, also have coordinated programs which allow you to complete your supervised practice hours WHILE you are taking classes, instead of waiting until after. These programs are generally smaller and more competitive than didactic programs and going this route just wasn’t in the cards for me.
So, here we are in April of 2011. I just started my last quarter at OSU. I’m taking my last high-level nutrition class called Medical Nutrition Therapy. I’ll graduate in June and in August I’ll start my internship which will last for about 9 months. You basically have to pay tuition to the school and then work 40 hours a week for free. And it’s not cheap. Lots of people think it’s ridiculous how hard they make it to become an RD when our country obviously needs more of them.
I agree…but I guess it also makes it that much more of an accomplishment.
After I complete my internship, I’ll be eligible to take the registration exam and become an RD!
After I complete my internship, I”ll begin searching for jobs. One of the best parts of the Diet Tech program was the practicums. I’ve had the chance to experience a lot of different dietetic career paths already and I’ve found that I’m drawn to the community side. I love all the different options there are with regards to organizations you can work for. I also love community education and would love to potentially become a Certified Diabetes Educator. Just thinking about the road ahead gets me so excited!!! So many options. I’ve considered becoming a certified personal trainer so that I can combine the diet and exercise components and I would love to do some individual consulting that involve education, meal plans, etc. I feel like the possibilites are endless!!!
So there you have it friends! My story, my path, my life. Going back to school with no guarantee I’d get an internship was the biggest risk I’ve ever taken. I’m not the traditional college senior. I didn’t take the traditional path. But I’m proof that if you put your mind to something and you really want it bad enough, YOU CAN DO IT! And i’ve got a 4.0 and an internship to prove it 🙂
Follow your dreams! They make life worth it!
PS…Just want to say thanks to my hubby, my parents, my in-laws and my friends that have supported me for the past 3 1/2 years. They’ve encouraged me, celebrated with me, listened to me complain and pushed me to keep going when I wanted to give up. I wouldn’t be celebrating today without each and every one of them.
And also, a big thanks to all of you for all the tweets and messages last night on Twitter and Facebook. I was overwhelmed by all the congratulations and well wishes. Knowing that I have all of you supporting me and believing in me, and in this blog, makes this most recent accomplishment even sweeter than it already is.
Get my free Table Talk email series where I share bite-sized nutrition information about carbs, protein, and fat, plus bonus information about snacks and sugar!
Congratulations!! Reading about your schooling was probably the most reading I’ve done in one sitting in six months. I’m exhausted 😉
Ah, congratulations Lindsay! You’re so right that you can do anything you set your mind to – and you’re proof. Or shall we say #PROOF? 😉 I know you’ll rock your internship just as you’ve rocked everything else! 🙂
Congratulations once again!
I was a Psych major too, mostly because I didn’t have to take any math beyond Stats 🙂
You are amazing!! Congrats and Mazel Tuv! Keep on going and you’re right..don’t stop! I just transferred to a Univ and finally feel closer to something too!
isn’t it the best feeling?! good luck to you!
I want to do this. I have a degree in history and high school education, worked as a preschool teacher for a YEAR (hated it though), and now work at a high school. I want to be a high school teacher but have dreams of being an RD, or even just a Diet Tech. Sounds intriguing.
go for it girl! 5 years ago I never thought i’d be where i am today. you can do anything you want 🙂 good luck!
Congrats, Lindsay! That is one accomplishment! I’m actually just in the place where I’m about to start prereqs toward an MPH/RD degree. I’m really nervous, but hope that this is the path I’m meant to take. Or at least it will lead me to what I am supposed to do. Something that I thrive at and help others at the same time.
how wonderful for you!!!! good luck!! it’s a tough path but the careers at the end of it are basically my dream jobs so i know it will be worth it 🙂
You are amazing and I’m so glad you got matched! AHHHHH. You have worked so hard and you deserve to become a RD!! 🙂
thanks girl! so happy for the both of us 🙂 we DO deserve it!
Congratulations!!! This is awesome. I’m totally forwarding your story to a friend of mine who was doubting her not-so-typical path in life.
awesome!!! hope it helps her realize everyone’s path is different!
Wow! What a journey! Of course you are proud as all get out! Getting selected for this internship sounds more challenging that getting a medical intern placement. Ta dum and yay to you!
thank you so much! it’s definitely challenging, but that also makes it more rewarding!
Lindsay you’re truly an inspiration!!! This is EXACTLY what I needed to read as I’m currently procrastinating while studying for an o-chem exam that’s in exactly 9 hours…..after reading this, I feel so rejuvenated – def going to shut down my computer and hit the books hardcore again 🙂 Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!!!
hope your exam went well!!!!
thanks mama miz! I feel like you’re my online mama 🙂
I just recently found your blog and LOVE this post because it’s kind of similar to my situation. SO EXCITING that you got matched for your internship!! Congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself 🙂 I’m currently working as a teacher (this is my second year teaching) and I pretty much knew starting with student teaching that it wasn’t for me. I made the decision this year to go back to school to become an RD and I’ll be starting in the fall! I’ll be in a coordinated program so my path will be a little different – but all of the same science classes 🙂 I actually really love science, but I’m still a little nervous about those! I can’t wait to hear about all of your internship experiences so I know what I have to look forward to!
Congrats again!
omg yay!!!! congratulations to you!!! you are going to have such a great journey. the classes are hard, but so worth it in the end!!
Congratulations! I am new to your blog as I am quietly stalking everyone’s Foodie Pen Pals posts, trying to get the nerve to participate! ha! So glad I started reading today and with this post! I am so proud of you! I look forward to following along as you start your internship in the Fall!
oh please join us!!! we’d love to have you 🙂
YOU DESERVE THIS!! AMazing and so so happy for you Linz. Can’t wait to follow you to OSU!
thanks so much lady 🙂 you’re the best!
Congratulations!! It’s an amazing accomplishment and you should feel very proud!! I think you deserve an EXTRA special birthday celebration, since you have 2 things to celebrate this month! 😉
haha i agree!!! i’ll pass that on to the hubby 🙂
Ahhh congrats again!!! I’m so happy and excited for you :). And we’ll both be in c-bus hehe.
yay for cbus!!!!!
congratulations Lindsay!
Congratulations!! I am sooo proud, you deserve it!!! 😀 <3
So exciting! Loved reading the background as well. Congrats again!
I am so, so happy for you!!! And beyond impressed that you took Organic Chemistry AND got an A. 🙂
haha, it wasn’t easy. but i’m darn proud of it! 🙂
Congratulations!!! That is fantastic new! So proud of you.
Ohh I read this post with SUCH INTEREST. I secretly would love to become an RD. LOVE to. I still don’t know if I could ever make that dream a reality (that thing called a mortgage and all sorts of other bills make it pretty impossible for me not to work full-time), but I still hang onto that dream in the hopes that one day I maybe can go after it. For now, can I live vicariously through you? SO proud of you for getting that internship, you are going to be AWESOME!!
don’t give up on that dream, girl! you never know. some day it might be feasible!!!
wow, your story and path to here is incredible. You took such a chance and just went for it, and it’s paying off in spades. I am so so impressed. And valedictorian? SO awesome!! I can’t wait to hear about your internship as it progresses!!!
thanks lady! i can’t wait to share everything i’m learning in my internship with you guys!
Already said congrats on Twitter but must say congrats again, scoring this is HUGE deal and accomplishment. You are amazing!
congrats girl! I am so happy for you!
You are awesome!!! Congratulations, Lindsay–you’re going to rock that internship, and everything that follows!
thank you so much!!
Oh wow, you are incredible girl! That is such an accomplishment and you should be so so proud of yourself! I have actually thought about maybe going back to school, but I am not going to lie, it all sound pretty scary and stressful! Thank you for providing so much insight into it though, I really needed to read all of this! 🙂
thank you! it’s definitely scary and waaaaayyyyy more stressful than college was the first time…but SO worth it in the end 🙂
Congrats on finding your calling! It takes a lot of guts to redirect your career path! BRAVO 🙂
Lisa @ Lisa Runs for Cupcakes
Oh my goodness! A huge congrats to you!!!!
Very exciting news!! Congratulations!!
Congratulations Lindsay! I only recently discovered your blog, but am eager to learn more about your experiences and try out your recipes. Thanks so much for being an inspiration. All the best. 🙂
P.S. Super excited to participate in Foodie Penpals this month – awesome idea!!!
thank you!! so excited to have you in foodie penpals. and thanks for reading. glad you found my blog 🙂
I loved reading this!! It makes such a difference to do something that your passionate about!! Keep it up girl 🙂
Congrats! I did the OSU coordinated program, but had many preceptors that were graduates of the OSU Human Ecology internship and were some of the best RDs I have worked with! I am so excited for you! OH!
eeee!!! yay!!! so excited to start! thank you!
This is so amazing! Congrats!! I would love to be an RD but I have way too many irons in the fire right now. I know it’s not the same, but i have been wanting to sign up for integrative nutrition school to become a nutritional consultant. Hopefully I can get a job and have the money to pay for the program very soon! Thanks for sharing it’s very inspirational! 🙂
go for it girl!!!! hope it works out for you soon 🙂 you’d be great!
Congratulations! I admire you for knowing what you want and just going for it. You are going to be great!!
This is amazing news!! I love that you decided to go back to school for it. My other undergrad was in Linguistics, and I can relate about the non-science background. I had to take grade 11 and 12 chem before I even applied for my nutrition program! Luckily, it was much easier as a ‘mature’ student, but the chem I’m actually taking now in uni is definitely a challenge. Plus, I’m taking micro and biochem this summer. All the best with the internship! For my program, I have to finish it out then apply for the internship. I wish we had the option to take it in our last year of school!
thank you so much! and good luck to you too! the classes suck, but it’ll be worth it in the end 🙂
Congratulations, Lindsay!
It took real courage to completely switch to another career path and make it through to getting an internship. I’m inspired by your drive and determination.
I wanted to be an RD as well, but didn’t have the balls to give up my career in chemical engineering especially since my University doesn’t have any nutrition program or degree to speak of. Reading about your journey has really given me food for thought.
I’m proud of you. You’re an inspiration.
thank you so so much! definitely keep thinking about it. if it’s something you really want to do, it will be worth it!
That is so exciting!
I remember having to wait..it was just excruciating!! I learned so much during my internship so just soak it all in. 🙂
it was THE WORST 6 weeks of waiting! So excited to start!!!
I am sooooooo thrilled for you! You deserve all the happiness in your life! 🙂
Congrats! What a great career you will have. As a nurse I have many RD friends! I have so much respect for their knowledge and expertise and tend to use them shamelessly. Thanks for what you do, it is a great contribution. Jana
thank you so much! i can’t wait to be able to start interacting with doctors, nurses and other professionals and combining our knowledge to help patients!
Wow – that’s so inspiring to read your story!! So many people don’t love their jobs, but don’t do anything about it. The fact that you took the risk and went back to get a degree in something you love is amazing. Congrats on the internship – so excited for you!
thank you so much! i wish more people were brave enough to chose happiness!
Wow – you’ve put in the work girl! You deserve this. Congratulations!!!!
That’s so great! It’s like my friend who went to school as a Graphics Design major but realized that she wanted to be a physical therapist. She had to take a ton of math and science classes, too, before she could go to PT school. It’s super impressive to be strong in so many areas. 🙂 Congratulations to you!!!
thank you so much! sometimes i wish i would have just figured out i wanted from the beginning, but at least now i know this is what i really want to do!
What an inspiration. I also went to college and grad school for a field I’m not longer interested in. We can’t ignore our passions! Congratulations again!!
it’s true! they just don’t go away 🙂
you’re going to rock this like a hurricane.
oh my goodness, congrats! That’s SO exciting!!
I LOVE the dietitians I work with that the hospital, they’re always willing to help and they know SO much! Now I know why, with all the schooling involved. 🙂 It’ll be worth it and you’ll make a great RD.
so glad to hear you have good relationships with them! i’m so excited to start forming professional relationships like that!!
You are completely right in saying we can do anything that we put our minds to! Especially if we really want it! Congratulations! This is such amazing news!
it’s pretty incredible what people can accomplish with a little dedication!
YAY! I bet it feels so good to just KNOW!
omg you have no idea. SUCH a big weight off my shoulders!
Congrats! That’s awesome. I’ve been on the line of going back to school for at least two years now and am just scared to make the jump. I’m glad you did because it sounds like you have an amazing road in front of you.
it was so scary to dive in, but i’m so glad i did! hope you take the plunge soon too!!
Congrats, I just love it when someones dreams come true!
This is wonderful! I’m so glad for you and really enjoyed reading your story so far. It’s amazing how much you’ve done and learned, and I have to congratulate you for every single step along the way. Well done! x
so glad you enjoyed reading it!!! and thank you so much 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS on a well deserved assignment! You have certainly put in the time and hard work WOW! Excited for you!!
Organic Chem killed me one summer–painful!!!
wasn’t it just the worst?! who even cares about any of that stuff anyways?!!
Congratulations!! This is an amazing story and OMG you’ve worked so hard. I admire anyone who willing goes back to school and takes organic chem and biochem. Those killed me in college. You are so right about the state of nutrition and physical activity among children. I’ve seen and witness some amazing good and bad things through my work. I’m so excited for you and this next stage of your journey!
haha o chem was the bane of my existence for that quarter. people who choose to do that for a career are crazy 🙂
Congrats!!! I’m so excited that the stressful wait is over!
Congrats! I once looked into this but decided it wasn’t for me. I still find it fascinating and share the same concerns that you do about children’s nutrition, early onset diabetes and childhood obesity. I am in law school and exploring ways to fight these issues from that perspective (like through legislation). Nerd alert over here too! Anyway, congrats on this major milestone, I know you will be super successful in whatever path you choose!
i think that’s so awesome that you’re still pursuing the issues you’re passionate about, just from a different angle. we could definitely use your help!
Congrats girl! I know how much this means to you and what a big deal it is! All your hard work…for years is finally paying off! Enjoy…and then get back to work! haha!
haha you know it! back to case studies and MNT tomorrow!
Congratulations on being matched! You’ve worked really hard. I’m quite impressed with all you’ve accomplished.
Wow, what a journey! So excited for you! I originally was signed up to follow the same path, but found that health coaching suited me better. I think becoming a RD takes a lot of hard work and dedication and you should be SO proud!
thank you! it’s definitely a lot of work, but worth it. I’m glad you were able to find something that worked for you too!
Oh my gosh Lindsay…..congrats!!!! That is SO exciting! You deserve it and I know you’ll make a phenomenal RD!
thanks so much, girl 🙂
Congratulations again! Thank you also for sharing your whole story. I’m so amazed at how many people choose Dietetics after graduating with an unrelated degree. I’m also in the DPD program and it seems like the majority of my peers are as well. I don’t think I could have handled the science the first time around either.
I’m soo soo soo soo happy for you! Can’t wait to follow you during these next months of your internship and I can’t wait to get there someday myself.
Hello lovely! I’m catching up after a whirlwind weekend and busy day yesterday…but congratulations!!!
I honestly didn’t know how intense the matching system is for RD internships, but Sister Smart is going through the same thing…
i didn’t know that about sister smart!!! how exciting. it’s crazy how competitive it is.
Congrats! So happy for you and this was a great post.
I’m going back for my second bachelor’s in May. I’m nervous about the loans and being back in school after three years – this post was encouraging.
Congrats again!
yay for you! you’re going to do great. it is super stressful going back after time off. i was a mess when i first started…but you get the hang of it again pretty quickly so no worries!
That’s fantastic!!
i graduated (undergrad) last may and i am all over the map about what i want to do. i am working in a school right now, but like you i don’t think it’s really what i want to do in the long run. i am also very interested in children’s health..you have inspired me to look into a career as an RD!
awesome!! so happy to hear that. feel free to email me if you have any questions come up as you start looking around 🙂
CONGRATS!!!!! i loved reading this post because i am trying to figure out what i want to study in college and this was fun to read!
yay! glad you liked it. good luck deciding. don’t stress too much! you have plenty of time to figure it out 🙂
CONGRATS, L!!!!! I’m so excited for you. 🙂
Congratulations!! That’s great!
Congrats on your journey to becoming a RD! I am a Penn State Nutrition grad so i know all about what you’ve gone through to obtain that degree! Lots of work 🙂 Where did you end up matching for your internship?
Thank you!! At Ohio State!
I am also trying to become an RD, and am currently in the dietetics program at Texas A&M. This is the first time I’ve visited your blog and I absolutely love it! And I understand exactly what you’re going through. Not only are the nutrition classes extensive, the sciences we have to take are ridiculous! People have no idea how hard our classes are. I’m going to be a senior next year and am planning to apply for internships in the spring, SO STRESSED! haha. Congrats on getting in, and I’m sure with you’re passion and interest in nutrition you’ll go far!
thank you so much!!! good luck with your applications. let me know if you have any questions! i’d be happy to help if i can…i definitely know the stress 🙂
Hey! I’ve been stopping by your website randomly, and am completely inspired by your healthy Instagram pictures. I’m a senior in college, applying to grad school for nutrition, and it’s always so inspiring to read people’s stories! Congratulations on your internship! I know that’s so exciting. I can’t WAIT to be in grad school and studying and practicing nutrition.
Keep up the healthy posts! Love them!
thanks so much!!! so glad you’re enjoying the blog and the photos. Stay focused! Grad school will be here before you know it! senior year flies by!
Very inspirational! I love your story!
Hi there
I love this post and to see what you have gone thru to become an RD.
I dont want to sound rude or anything but what about those of us who have low gpas? I have a 3.3 regular, and 2.93 DPD (science) GPA
(yeah….2.93!!! and the lowest people accept for internships is a 3.)
I dont know what to do. I was always a good student, always got As and Bs except orgo of course, got a C in that. haha. And i took 20 credits at a time and worked full time in school so I always felt like i bit off more than i could chew.
Which i did, but i had no choice.
So now here I am , graduated in may with a nutrition bachelors degree, been looking for a steady job and better pay (was a dishwasher full time until august) and um, so far not good. my part time job barely keeps me above water.
Do you have any advice for a girl witha nutrition degree but not the RD? what can i do with my life? Lol. I know people will say, oh go work in food service, go work as a DTR, but from what i gather, its like 12 bucks an hour, or even Less!
I was thinking of getting my CDM license that might be better right?
As for RD I have applied for the internship so now I wait. with my GPA though there is no way i am gonna repeat my bachelors to fix the GPA so i dont know what to do. My mom is encouraging me to get a masters and i think i should but then suppose i get the masters and im still stuck without a job.
This field sounded great at first but i am very disheartened. I know the economy is bad but i really thought a college degree was the ticket to success.
Maybe you have some ideas for advice
Thanks 🙂 i like your blog. I made my own recently but havent put anything up there yet.
Hi Lindsay,
I stumbled upon your blogsite and enjoyed reading your story. I am an RD (of many years!) and have always loved working in the profession. Good luck to you in your internship year! I wish you the satisfaction and joy that I have experienced in learning and living and sharing this profession! Ellen, Phoenix
Thank you so much, Ellen!
Congrats ! I’m sure securing an internship is such a relief. I am following a similar path as you with taking DTR courses and all of those sciences I didn’t take the first time around. You are right, you can do anything that you set your mind to do. In the fall 2013 I will hopefully start the didactic program for 2 years followed by the internship. It’s a long journey but will be worth the sacrifices in the end. Way to go!!
awesome!! good luck on your journey!
Okay besides wanting to punch you for getting all A’s…I’m so happy for you! I know this post is old and all, but clearly you worked hard to get where you are. The sciences in the RD program are challenging me a lot and this semester has been my toughest yet, but it’s exciting to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks for sharing your story! 🙂
haha thanks girl 🙂 hang in there. the sciences are tough but they’ll be over soon!
Holy Cow! Your story is SO similar to mine! My first degree is in sociology, and I also didn’t originally take the sciences because I thought they’d be too hard. You are so right, though. Once you finish them with good grades after putting hours of work into them, it is such a rewarding feeling! I’m still in the didactic program, but I’ve been stressing about getting matched too. I only have a year left, and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but my husband has been so wonderful and supportive. Congrats on all your hard work, and thank you for writing about the experience. I just found your blog today, and I’m excited to try your Sunday food prep stuff!
good luck!! try not to stress too much. feel free to email me any time if you have questions! and definitely send me a sunday food prep photo!
Wow… I was just reading this post over for some insight/inspiration since I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with my Dietetics career path at the moment. It seems like such a long, rough, & unsure road (not sure if I’ll get an internship) as you well know. I just wanted to say thank you for writing this & sharing all of this, it’s very inspiring!! I’ll keep on truckin’ & fighting my way through all of these science classes & the unknown future of an internship because in the end it will be worth it. 🙂 Congrats on your journey & all of your success!!!
thanks Karey! hang in there girl. it’s a long road and the uncertainty can be frustrating and overwhelming at times, but you can do it!!! so worth it in the end!
Hi Lindsay!
I follow you on instagram and turned to your page to read your blog! I knew you were an RD and I have aspirations to do the same. I have a health science undergrad (exercise and wellness) however, I am looking into getting a masters in nutrition and my goal is to become an RD. Im having some trouble getting clarification on what programs are certified/accredited and I don’t know who to turn to! I don’t know any RD’s in my area that I can ask.. If you are willing and have a bit of time, I would be so grateful to ask you some questions!
sure! email me at [email protected]
I’ve followed you on Twitter for awhile, and have never really gotten a chance to check out your page. So, glad I did. I’m actually taking similar steps to become an RD. I begin classes in a DTR program on the 26th. Sometimes I wonder what the heck I’m doing, but so glad I was able to read your story. Thanks for sharing 🙂
awesome! glad you had a chance to read. Good luck to you!
Hi Lindsay! I just found your blog and I’m loving it. I went to school in Ohio and have a Social Work degree. I have really been considering going back to school to be an RD and OSU is one of the school’s I’m looking into. I’d love to hear a little bit more about your experience, any recommendations. Sounds like it was a great program! 🙂
would love to help! feel free to email me with any questions!
I came across your blog from pintrest. I was looking for some new clean recipes and stumbled on your blog. Somehow I clicked on your journey to becoming an RD. I was blown away. So great to run across someone else who had a similar journey. I was a lawyer for 6 years. Fat miserable and knowing that’s not what I wanted to do with my life. I kept praying and praying for God to help me figure out what to do with my life. I started reading about becoming a RD and I knew immediately that’s what I’m suppose to be doing. So I quit my job at a firm, got a part time job and enrolled in community college. Like you, I had no sciences and had to get those out the way. I am paying for each class out of pocket so its taking me awhile. I have just two more classes plus labs before I can enroll at the University of Alabama. Just wanted to say thanks you for your story. Helps me know I did the right thing and am on the right track. Its not easy working, being a wife and mother and going to school but I know I can do it.
Thanks for being an inspiration.
so glad you found me Nicole!! Best of luck on your journey. Sounds like it’s going well so far! It will definitely be worth it!
I commend you for having finished your R.D. degree. I am in the same boat right now. I have been on active duty in the army for the past 12+ years. I want to go to Physical Therapy school but my undergraduate GPA was pretty low (2.3), Psychology major my first two years (bad mistake). I haven’t given up hope and the Army has a top 5 ranked PT program via Baylor University. Thanks for what you do for so many people and your dedication and commitment are a testament that you are a true leader in your field.
I am so happy you posted all this.. I was actually researching how to become an RD! I have my bachelor’s degree in speech-language pathology and audiology from Cleveland State University (woohoo Ohio!). It took me quite awhile because of transferring, so I’m not sure how much more schooling I want to do, unless of course it’s worth it! The more I am involved with nutrition, the more I feel like it is worth it to get that degree.
Congratulations to you! Again, thank you for sharing your journey with us. I admire you!!
thanks so much Lyndsay! Good luck on your decision and your journey!
Hi Lindsay! I found your website randomly today and I really just wanted to let you know how inspired I am by your story!! I’m only just about to start college this year (I’m a baby! lol) and I’m going to be majoring in Dietetics. I know I have a longgg way to go, but I’m extremely excited to start my journey to become an RD – you’ve made it seem all the more exciting and rewarding as well 🙂 Also very glad that it worked out so well for you after deciding to go after a completely different career, it was very brave! Anyway, it was really great reading up on your experience, and I hope to make my own just as amazing! I will definitely be coming back to your blog. Thank you. 🙂
Thanks Valerie! Best of luck to you on your journey!
This is so inspiring!! I also work at an insurance company; I don’t hate it, but I don’t exactly feel fulfilled. I graduated from college as a business major but I’ve always dreamed about going back to school to become a RD. Thank you so much for writing about your journey!
Just read this and enjoyed it, thanks for sharing! Match day is in one day for me, fingers crossed.
I love reading up on your journey, even though it was three years ago! I’m in my final year at the University of Alberta in Canada, and I’m starting my internship this summer. It’s interesting to hear how the dietetic internship is organized at different universities. Mine is integrated with our school, so I’m starting my intro clinical this year and then continuing the next 7 months of placements next May.
Your story is unbelievable! I’m a 30 year old with a Bachelors in Psychology, finishing up by Dietetic Tech degree this summer at a community college as well! It’s like I was meant to read this. I have been debating on whether to become an RD because of the horror stories regarding the internships… Never getting in and stuck at WIC or paying $10,000 to work for free. I began the diet tech program to be sure it’s what I wanted. I do love it, but like you, would rather counsel others about how to lead healthy lifestyles. Educating kids on nutrition and exercise would be my dream! We are like the same person! You probably already know – starting in 2017 we will need a Masters so I have to decide and get into a school like… now. You have plenty of advice here but anything else would be much appreciated! How helpful is habvng the letters behind your name?
i think it really depends what you want to do. For clinical type work RD is definitely important. There are programs out there you can get involved with that may not require you to be an RD, but I think they do lend a lot of credibility to you both to get employed and also getting people in the community to respect you!
I’m currently a Special Education teacher in my late 30’s. Dietetics has been a goal of mine, but I am pretty concerned about taking the risk, because I have 3 kids and a husband and the possibility of not getting an internship just can’t be an option. For someone with no science background, and a less than stellar GRE score, would you recommend the associates degree first? I hate to spend the time and money, but I can’t afford to go through a master’s program and not get a match the first time, or at all.I was wondering if having that associate’s degree and DTR exam under your belt will help or not. If people with a Bachelor’s in Nutrition can become DTR’s while waiting to get matched, how much weight does the associate degree actually hold? Does that make sense? Also, do you think the associate degree helped you in terms of transitioning to that content and material? I’m nervous about the classes in the Master’s. Thank you. Go BUCKS!
I think the Diet Tech degree is a good one. You could always get that first and decide in the process if you wanted to go on to become of full RD or just stick with Diet Tech. There are a lot of jobs out there you can do just as a tech!
This is amazing! I am currently pursuing a MS In Nutrition to become an RD. I have zero background in this and it i very inspiring reading your story! Ive been contemplating this for the past few years and I know this will be worth it:) Thank you for sharing.
good luck!! it’s worth it!