Hi Friends!
Let’s talk meal planning today, shall we? Thanks to CookSmarts for sponsoring today’s post. You guys know I’m a huge fan of Sunday Food Prep and meal planning goes right along with that. Although I, admittedly, slack a lot on meal planning…it works for me because I’m good at coming up with meals on the fly. I prep ingredients and most nights I don’t have any trouble turning them into a quick dinner. But I’ve been cooking a long time. I’ve made a lot of things. I have a large recipe catalog (both on my blog and in my mind) that I can pull from. I also have list of go-to meals that I can make pretty much on autopilot (like, ahem, last week when I looked at the clock at realized it was 9pm and we hadn’t eaten yet…and I whipped up a chicken, black bean and red pepper egg scramble in under 10 minutes).
While this method works for me, I’m a realist…and I know it doesn’t work for everyone. Many people NEED to plan their meals ahead of time to help them make it through the week. In fact, it’s something I encourage all my clients/readers/family members/pretty much anyone I encounter to do- because it works.
Some people enjoy the process of meal planning- looking through cookbooks, blogs, recipe sites, pinterest, etc to find new things to try. They like coming up with a plan, making a grocery list, etc. Other people just can’t be bothered. It stresses them out…it’s too much work…it takes too long. And that’s totally fine! It’s for people like this, and even people who like meal planning but sometimes get too busy or too tired to do it every single week, that Cook Smarts can be an excellent option. Some of you might recall that Cook Smarts was one of our Elf4Health Sponsors this year. Elle actually introduced me to them before the challenge started and after getting to know Jess, the founder, throughout the challenge, I decided I wanted to introduce Cook Smarts to you guys because I think it’s such a cool service!
A little more about Cook Smarts:
Their Mission: “Cook Smarts is passionate about helping home cooks live happier, simpler, and smarter in the kitchen. We create weekly meal plans and educational cooking content to empower our community to lead their healthiest lives.”
Their Blog: “We get that figuring out what to make for dinner every night is no easy task, so our blog focuses on smart cooking tips and simple meal ideas. Every post on our blog has been crafted with your busy life in mind, so that after a long day, maybe with kids underfoot, you can still get dinner on the table.”
Their Meal Plans: “Our meal plan service helps you cook more & stress less. Our menus are simple and efficient and can be customized for the paleo, vegetarian, & gluten-free cook. A grocery list appears with just one click and cooking dinner is no longer a chore with our easy-to-follow steps & smart how-to videos.”
How it Works:
- You sign up. Bonus- You get 3 weeks of meal plans free when you signup before you have to pay!
- After your trial, if you like it, you pay for a monthly, quarterly or annual plan.
- They email you a meal plan.
- You choose which meals you want to make and customize to your diet needs- They have vegetarian, paleo & gluten-free options.
- They make you a grocery list.
- You go shopping.
- They tell you how to prep ahead of time…or you just take it day by day and make some great home-cooked meals for your family.
Get a visual:
See the meal plan:
Check out their tips and tricks:
Customize to your dietary needs:
Generate your grocery list and go shopping:
Do some prep work if you want to:
Or just follow the simple recipes (complete with prep instructions) each weeknight. Not sure how to chop something like onions? They have links to videos that show you how!
Plus they’re all about teaching and they have a whole page of cooking tips and free guides for things like pantry essentials and produce shelf life!
I even tried out a couple of the meals myself. The chicken pot pie was calling my name! I actually forgot to get puff pastry at the grocery store for the topping so I was super glad that I could look at the paleo and gluten-free options they had available and was still able to make a crust based on what I had on hand!
The gluten-free crust was made with almond flour. I was skeptical at first because it wasn’t really a dough that I could roll out, I just kinda spooned it on top…but it baked up nicely!
So what do you think? Sound like something you could benefit from?
Well, you’re in luck! Cook Smarts is offering all of my readers 20% all of their meal plan packages and gift certificates thru 1/22/14!
CLICK HERE and use the coupon code TLGB0114 for 20% of any meal plan.
CLICK HERE and use the coupon code TLGB0114 for 20% off any gift certificate.
And once you generate your grocery list, you can head to Whole Foods! Yep- we’re giving away a $50 Gift Card to Whole Foods to one lucky winner!
Enter using the Rafflecopter giveaway below (ends 11:59 PM EST Jan 9th, 2013- US Residents only):
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*This post was sponsored by Cook Smarts. I received a 3 month membership and was compensated for my review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% honest and my own*
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I’m a meal planner! Not every week goes exactly as planned but at least I always have ingredients to pull things together to make it work. Cooks Smarts looks fantastic!
this looks like fun! I usually scan my pinterest boards for meals for the week! There are some weeks though when I want nothing to do with it haha. This website looks like fun!
I do both- sometimes I plan, sometimes it’s on the fly. It also depends on my bf’s work schedule- sometimes he has super long days, so I will try to plan ahead and have meals and snacks ready for him!
i cook on the fly! if anything i will plan 1-2 meals for the week, but mostly i like going by what i feel like eating/making… though i know meal planning would be waaaay more economical!
this is such a cool tool! i cook on the fly but i know lots of clients who would NEED this
I love planning out my meals, it makes the work week so much easier
This looks great! Most of my go-to dinners are getting old – this would be a great tool to stay organized and try new meals!
I try to plan my meals as best as possible!
I wish I planned them out more. I tend to cook on the fly, which means that I often get stuck cooking the same things.
I’ve been doing better with planning my meals out ahead of time but I can still improve. This program is a great idea!
I like to plan all the meals for the week and make a grocery list after getting ideas from my cookbook collection!
I plan our Sunday – Thursday meals. Friday & Saturday are leftovers or on the fly!
I love this tool!! I know so many people who could benefit from this. I usually plan out my dinners for the week so I don’t overspend at the grocery.
Love cooksmarts! I tried their first free week and I’m hooked. The grocery list is the best part!
I actually enjoy planning meals and I think this service is such a great idea!
I plan meals for at least 4-5 nights and then kind of wing it the other two days.
i don’t go far as planning out the week, but i definitely will plan out a couple days! probably a maximum of 2 🙂
I do a mix, but usually try to plan some meals ahead of time.
I plan my meals out {or try to} and I rely on Pepperplate; which you can access via computer, iPhone, iPad, etc.
The only meals I really plan are dinners just so I make sure to have the ingredients for them! Other than that I cook on the fly!
Totally cook on fly!
I am definitely a meal planner! If I did not meal plan then my dinners would probably be a disaster every night after I got home from work. It would also require me to go to the grocery store about 3 times more often than I already do.
I tend to just cook on the fly but I definitely need to plan ahead a bit more!
I usually plan out my meals for the week. It can be a pain at times, but I have found that it really does make my life easier.
I do plan out my meals. I try to build in a little bit of flexibility though- just in case I’m really not in the mood for what’s on the agenda and can switch it up.
I plan and prep my food for the week on Sunday! I am soo busy throughout the week, that I wouldn’t have time otherwise!
I some times I’m good on the fly but if I want to be consistent with healthy eating choices, I have to do some planning
I am a cook-on-the-fly type of gal.
I plan everything on sunday for the entire week and shop once a week!
I am going to check out the Cook Smart website. Looks like it is easy to use & friendly to a busy lifestyle!
I like to plan the meals out, but it doesn’t always go as planned. My friend was telling me about programs, such as Cooksmart , a while ago and then I learned more about it during the #elf4health challenge. It’s a cool idea!
I plan my meals for the week.
I definitely plan my meals for the week and Sunday is meal prep day! Meal prepping helps keep me on track for healthy eating all week!
Wow, Cook Smarts looks so convenient!
I love Cook Smarts! I had a free trial earlier this year. I enjoy meal planning, but this program was great inspiration and full of yummy recipes.
I don’t plan out MEALS but I do prep some foods that can be used in multiple situations- snacks, additions to meals, etc. It definitely helps!
I usually just cook on the fly for whatever I feel like making!
I used to plan my meals in advance, and I’m trying to get back to that. These days, I cook on the fly.
I usually cook a ton on the weekends so we have leftovers all week and base menus on main ingredients that are on sale.
I plan out the dinners for the week. Lunches are on the fly and breakfast is usually oatmeal. I have gone 2 weeks since being married that I didn’t plan out the meals, and we did not eat as healthy as we should have!
this is a great tool..however, i dont plan meals day by day but have few recipes on my mind and purchase those ingredients while grocery shopping.
we cook on the fly but we are trying to start planning out our meals for the week.
I never used to plan meals ahead of time, but over the last few months I’ve realized how essential it is for me when it comes to eating healthy and sticking to a budget.
I usually plan my meals for the week and this is a great idea.
I usually plan out 1 or 2 meals a week and cook the rest on the fly based on what I have on hand.
I try to plan out my meals but it can be difficult to stay on track when I work full time and go to school full time.
Great review! I’m like you… I like to keep some ingredients ready, so I can whip something up on the fly but don’t necessarily need a “meal plan”… I know so many people who could benefit from a service like this, totally passing it on!
Very cool, and great review! I do enjoy meal planning, although I do enjoy on the fly cooking too 🙂
I always plan to meal plan for the week but it honestly doesn’t happen much and more often than not I find myself wheeling up and down the aisles of my local grocery store trying to come up with some creative dinner ideas! I am definitely going to look into Cook SMarts!
I usually eat the same things every day…very boring I know, but that way I don’t really have any planning to do.
I try to plan for at least 3-4 nights with at least one having enough for leftovers for lunches.
I am a major meal planner in advance with exact lists and meals. Not surprising as I am a wedding specialist for a catering company so I spend almost every single day thinking about people’s dinner menus
I usually have a plan, but sometimes I want something different!
Wow, Cook Smarts sounds awesome! All the recipes sound delicious, too.
I’m impressed that they have diverse diet options, and I like that they still have YOU doing the cooking, but just simplify the process for you. Also – that’s a great “when to use by” chart; pinning for future reference!
I vary on this – some weeks I plan meals out to a T, and then others (that are less busy and I know I’ll have more time to cook) I “wing it.” I love the recipes that Cook Smarts creates!
I’m definitely a meal planner! I’ll have to take a look at the trial for Cook Smarts, it sounds awesome 🙂
Thanks! I had not heard of this service before! I prep food every Sunday but it is usually the same stuff….salsa, soup, chopped, veggies, etc. This would be a fun way to spice up my daily eats!
I enjoy planning my meals in advance and prepping on Sunday for the week, but I always could use help with meal ideas and prep suggestions!
I usually prep chicken and meats ahead of time and then decide the day before what I want to make for dinner the next night! I want to try to start planning a whole weeks worth of meals at a time!
If I take the time to plan them out, I find that we healthier meals and it’s less stressful. However, I HATE doing the planning and prep work!
This looks AWESOME! With my schedule getting crazy I may have to look into this! Thanks for sharing.
Cool! I’ve never heard of this company before. I’ll have to check them out!
I meal prep for lunches on the weekend but dinners are planned on the fly. We try to keep our fridge and freezer stocked with plenty of options so we can pick and choose the night before what we feel like, making it feel a little more flexible.
I mostly plan on the fly but like to prep some grains on Sunday and cut cup fruits/vegetables if need be
I mostly plan, based on sale flyers and coupons, but I also leave open a little bit on the fly, when I see something really good at the store – for instance, extra good oranges, etc. I try to stock up on basics when they are on sale.
I need to make a more concerted effort to plan out my meals. I always have the best intentions on Sunday to go to the grocery store and prep my meals. I usually get all the ingredients and then wait to do the prep until the weeknight. Never a smart idea! Also, I don’t normally go to Whole Foods given that it’s slightly more expensive than Trader Joe’s, but I definitely love the quality produce and veggies there!
I am a meal planning machine. It’s one of my favorite things to do every Saturday before going to the store on Sunday. It also makes it exciting to figure out what I can make for the week, what I can make with leftovers, etc. I would love a better way to help me plan!
I plan out maybe 3-4 meals for the week .. then I just usually wing it!
I always plan in advance! If I don’t have a plan, I’ll end up getting lazy and ordering a pizza instead 🙂
On the fly for me!
love this idea! I am currently meal planning right now! I struggle with it, I am gonna sign up! I could use the assistance! 🙂 I always try then I don’t stick with it!
I usually cook meals on the fly, and I’m bad a meal planning. But I think meal planning is a great way to save money and stick to a healthy schedule; I’m just not a very successful meal planner.
I do a combination of planning and winging it. Having ingredients that are easy to make into meals really helps.
Sounds perfect!