Hi Friends!
It’s time for another Fitness Friday.
This week has been great in terms of workouts! I feel like I’m really back on track and am pretty excited about. Let’s look back at what I did.
On Saturday I headed out for a 1 mile run to warmup. I pushed myself a little bit and did an 8:10 mile which was awesome. Then I came home and did a quick workout in the basement with my kettlebell and medicine ball.
On Saturday I also did something a little crazy.I saw a crossfit Groupon for 10 classes at a place that’s SO close to my house so I just had to buy it.
I actually bought one for both the hubby and I so we can learn together. Neither of us have done Crossfit before. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. There just hasn’t been a place close enough to our house. This place is so close that I have no excuse not to go. I think we’re heading to our first class tomorrow morning so i’ll be sure to let you guys know how it goes!
I also took the boys on a walk…I’ve been trying to soak up as much outside time as I can while it’ still nice.
On Sunday I headed out for another run. I did intervals, running 30 seconds and then walking 30 seconds…I covered 2 miles before heading to yoga!
That’s right, I also went to my very first yoga class ever. I found a studio near my house that was having an open house so the class was free. I liked the class. I didn’t love it, but i understand that like anything new, there’s a learning curve. I need to learn all the moves and get more comfortable before I can start to love it I think. I signed up for a 4 week beginner series so for the next 4 Sundays I’ll be going to class. By the end I’ll be familiar with a lot of the basic poses and will be able to do some of the other classes at the studio. I also think that i’ll enjoy some of the more flowing, faster moving classes better once I get the basics down so i’m looking forward to trying those! Plus, the studio was having a deal for new customers so I only paid $25 for a one month unlimited pass. They have a relaxation class on friday nights and a stretching class on Wednesdays that’s meant for athletes that I might try. It’s not yoga- the focus is more on stretching…which I really need to work on.
On another note, my yoga teacher asked me if I was a dancer because I’m so flexible. I laughed and said nothing could be farther from the truth. I am SO not a dancer 🙂 But I have always been very flexible!
On Monday, I kicked off the first day of Best Body Bootcamp. Some of you might remember that I also did Tina’s last round of bootcamp. Tina is one of my blogging besties and even though I only loosely follow her bootcamp plan, I still like to support my fellow bloggers. What she does with this bootcamp is amazing and helpful to SO many people!
I tend to use her workout plans as inspiration and don’t follow them exactly. They provide me with a lot of inspiration. On Monday night I did the first weights workout. My favorite move was the scorpion! Have you tried it? Talk about using your abs!
I also changed up some of the moves to things that I like better- for example, if Tina has us doing lateral raises, I might choose to do shoulder presses…and that’s fine. It’s about doing what’s best for you.
Tuesday I headed out to do intervals. I walked the dogs first and then dropped them off and headed back out. I did 1 min running, 30 seconds walking and covered 2 miles at an 8:51 pace which I was happy with. I also did some abs when I got home.
Wednesday, the hubby and I took the boys on a nice long walk and then later in the evening I headed downstairs to do some weights. Again, I made some modifications…but my favorite moves were the hip adductions on the stability ball- they always leave my legs feeling like jello…and squats with shoulder presses is one of my favorite combos!
Rest day. I was sore all over so it was much needed 🙂
So there you have it! Are you a crossfit fanatic or a yogi? Any tips for me as I embark on these new fitness adventures?! 🙂
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Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
I tried Crossfit on a Groupon once. I can see how people get addicted to it, but it wasn’t for me. I’m such a gym rat… I actually like spending 1.5 hours in the gym lifting. #strangebutgood 😉
Miz says
IM SOOO a wannabe yogi—but no one be asking me if Im a dancer 🙂
Erica { EricaDHouse.com } says
Haven’t tried crossfit but wish I could! I’ll go through phases where I’m obsessed with yoga – usually when I’m super stressed 🙂
misszippy says
You covered it all this week! Nice. I actually got the groupon for crossfit also and am excited to give it a go. I have a marathon in six weeks, though, so I’ll wait until I’m done. Looking forward to seeing how you like it!
The Candid RD says
I have always wanted to try a crossfit class too. What a great Groupon! And like you, I get asked if I’m a dancer, but NOT because I’m flexible. It’s because I tend to stand with my feet (toes) pointed out like a ballerina. It’s weird. I don’t know why….
Anne says
Congrats on your speedy mile, that’s so awesome!
Also congrats on trying out so many new forms of exercise. One of my goals is always always always to do more yoga, and I hardly ever follow through, I seriously need to work on that!
Linz @ Itz Linz says
Ah I’ve been doing so much running lately I haven’t had time to mix it up. I want to!!
Heather says
I have never done crossfit but I do yoga occasionally, it got easier each time I went!
Jess says
Wow you have had a busy week! Sounds like it has been awesome though! I love dancing! My fave for sure.
Madeline @ Food Fitness and Family says
So jealous of your CrossFit Groupon! I keep hoping there will be one here since I LOVE CrossFit but can’t afford a box. Stick with yoga … it definitely takes a few classes to get the hang of it 🙂
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf says
Great job this week Lindsay! I am so loving Tina’s bootcamp. It’s challenging and hard but in a good way. I’m also excited to hear about your experience with Crossfit. As for yoga, yes. It took me a little bit to really “get” it and understand what it was all about but now I love it. I think that you would enjoy more of a vinyasa-flow style class.
Katie @momslrb says
Nice week of workouts! I’m serioulsy dying to try Crossfit. I’m betting you’ll love it.
BTW, now in my pregnant state, I cant read your blog title without seriously wanting some sauteed green beans or a good green bean casserole so thanks for that! 😉
Amanda @ Romancing the Unusual says
I’m new to your blog and loving it 😉 I took a beginners yoga series earlier this year and loved it! I really want to practice more yoga. It’s such a great stress relief.
Allie says
Interested to hear your take on Crossfit! I’m a sucker for a good Groupon–great way to try something new without investing tons of money. Although I SHOULD invest some money in a good stretching class–I’m so bad at that too! I need someone to force me to stretch…
jessie ann james says
you will seriously love crossfit! i am addicted!
Danielle @ Clean Food Creative Fitness says
You are going to love CrossFit! I am totally a CrossFit fanatic and can’t say enough good things about it! My biggest tip is don’t be nervous when you start! You will do awesome!
Hillary says
Love your KB and med ball workout. Out of curioustiy, what weight KB and med ball did you use?
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Lindsay says
Both are 10 pounds!
Hillary says
Love the KB and med ball workout. Out of curiosity, what weight KB and med ball did you use?
Katrina says
Yea for trying new things! I’m getting ready to try crossfit for the first time too!
Life's a Bowl says
I’ve been wishfully hoping that Groupon would have a crossfit coupon but no such luck 🙁 Awesome deal! My hubby and I are starting a strength training class together next week for 13 weeks, ready to get our butts kicked!
purelymichelle says
never done cross fit, not sure if I will but you never know.
love yoga!
Laura says
I’m jealous that you’re so flexible… I’ve never been very flexible, and running makes it much worse. Awesome that you’re checking out yoga and cross fit this week! I do yoga occasionally (need to include it more) and tried cross fit at Fitbloggin, but it was more of an intro- not all that intense. Curious to hear about your experience!
Tina @ Best Body Fitness says
And thank you so much for that support. You’re awesome. I’m glad you like using the workouts as inspiration. Although the trainer in me is saying that oh press and lat raises work different parts of the shoulder, so it’s always good to mix it up. But I know you know to mix it up. 😉
Debbie @ Live from La Quinta says
I’m definitely the yogi type, though I have added some crossfire-like moves to my workouts recently. No interest in taking it farther, though.
Have fun in both your new classes. I’ll be interested to read what your thoughts are about them.
Lindsay says
I just moved to columbus: and i am in search of a new yoga studio
was wondering which one was/maybe still is offering that deal?
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables says
How exciting for crossfit and yoga! I can’t wait to hear your reviews of them. I have been wanting to try them both, but I just have to get through school first! December will be here soon!!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama says
Yoga lover here! I’m dying to get into crossfit too. I got so excited when I saw a groupon deal pop up for it last week. Too bad it was over an hour away. 🙁
Charlotte says
I’m brand new to crossfit, but have been in love with yoga for some time. My best piece of advice is, dont let yourself get frustrated. yoga is not about perfection, its about PRACTICE! Stick with it and you’ll get more flexible every day & better at each position!
good luck and HAVE FUN 😀
Angie @ Losing It and Loving It says
Love me some Best Body Bootcamp! This is round 3 for me. I don’t do Crossfit or yoga but I would like to try some yoga DVD’s here soon.