Hi Friends-
As you guys know, this is mostly a food and fitness blog. I don’t write a whole lot of posts that are super deep, heavy or from the heart. In fact, it’s been about two months since my last one (What’s in a Jean Size?). But yesterday something happened that really tugged at my heart strings and it brought to mind something that I’ve found myself thinking about a lot lately- saying “thank you”.
Let me back up. Yesterday, as most of you know, was Foodie Penpals Reveal Day. (ps…there’s still time to jump onboard for May!) After I got out of class yesterday, I was checking my email and a comment notification popped up on one of my posts from a few months ago. Remember back in January when I wrote this post called Things Blogging Has Taught Me? A sweet woman named Kristen, who blogs over at Miami Housewife, found that post and left a comment. Here’s what she said:
I read her comment several times because I was so touched by it. I’m always so happy to hear people say they can relate to my posts, and it made my day to hear that she liked my blog and found it inspiring. And after thinking about it the whole way home, all I really wanted to do was say thank you to her.
Thank you:
- For reading my blog.
- For taking the time to look around and read more than just one post.
- For making an effort to tell me how much she liked my blog.
It means so much.
I’m just as guilty as anyone else of not saying thank you as often as I should. But I’m working on it. In fact, this post is probably a long time coming.
I was raised to say please and thank you for everything and I was raised to write thank you notes all.the.time.
- When someone gives you a present…write a thank you note.
- When someone acts as your reference….write a thank you note.
- When someone takes the time to help you….write a thank you note.
It’s something I got annoyed with my mom for making me do when I was younger, but it’s one of the things I appreciate most now that I’m an adult. And it’s definitely something I plan to teach my children someday.
Because I think a lot of people truly underestimate the power of a simple “thank you”.
I get legitimate road rage when someone flies by me in the left lane and then cuts over into my lane at the last minute to get on the highway. But it’s amazing how much calmer I remain if that person waves “thank you” as they’re switching lanes.
I spend a lot of time working on Foodie Penpals and I don’t get paid a dime…but when someone replies to one of my emails and says “thank you” for organizing or thanks me for helping connect them with a new friend…every single second is totally worth it.
But, this post is not me digging for compliments or a thank you for anything i’ve done. This post was written as a reminder to all of you….to take the time to say thank you the next time one is deserved.
- If someone sends you something awesome in the mail, SAY THANK YOU. Tell them how much you appreciated it.
- If someone sits there and listens to you complain about something, whether it be important or trivial….say hey, thanks for listening.
- If someone writes a blog post that inspires you to make a positive change, or motivates you to try harder…TELL THEM. Say thank you.
Because you never know how much it might mean to someone.
Or how much it may validate all the work they put into something.
Or how what a big smile it might bring to their face.
So go out today and say thank you:
- Call your family and say thanks for being there for me.
- Leave a comment on your favorite blog, especially if you’ve never commented before, and say thanks for writing.
- Leave an extra tip for your waiter/waitress and say thanks for a great meal.
- Thank a member of the armed forces for their service to our country.
- Thank someone you see doing a usually thankless job like collecting trash or cleaning the bathroom.
- Send a note to a friend and say thanks for sticking by your side over the years.
Every single one of us has so much to be thankful for. So give thanks for it. And SAY THANKS FOR IT!
Trust me…it’ll be worth your while.
So this is me saying thank you to all of you.
- To every single person who reads my blog- whether it’s one time, or every single day.
- To everyone who has taken the time to tell me how much they appreciate and enjoy Foodie Penpals.
- To all of my Fitfluential friends who motivate me every single day.
- To anyone that has ever tried one of my recipes or workouts and told me how much they enjoyed it.
- To my husband- for everything he does around the house.
- To my family- for constantly reminding me how important I am, even when I’m far away.
- To my entire support system- for everything you do every.single.day.
Get my free Table Talk email series where I share bite-sized nutrition information about carbs, protein, and fat, plus bonus information about snacks and sugar!
Kelly @ Femme Fitale says
Ahhh! This blog is AMAZING! I’ll be adding this to my bookmark bar for sure, and already signed up for the Penpal program. What a fantastic idea!
Lindsay says
awww thank you so much! excited to have you join FPP!
Jaren says
I find myself in the same position a lot where I take things for granted, not intentionally. Saturday I woke up early (cause the movers showed up at 6:50am) and watched the sun come up over the pasture and realized that I needed to be more grateful in all aspects of life. I understand Kristen’s situation, I get frustrated when my blog isn’t getting a lot of viewers, but she is right. Our blogs are for us, for us to vent, for us to learn, and for us to share. And if I can reach just one person, encourage one person, or touch one person, then that alone is enough.
Lindsay says
exactly! that’s enough for me!!
Megan @ Weddings & Workouts says
What a humbling post! I’ve been doing some serious self reflecting over the last few days and being grateful for what I have is one of things I am focusing on.
Thanks for the post and thanks for a great blog 🙂
Miz says
Im thanking everyone I see 🙂
Lindsay says
excellent 🙂 that’s what I like to hear!
Toni Church says
Thank you for this post!!! Everyone should take this to heart, a little appreciation goes a long way!
Lindsay says
it definitely does!!
lindsay says
you put so much heart and soul into you blog and it shows! I love my daily bean. It’s inspiring. You include everyone and you are a JOY to read. SO i agree with the comment above… THANK YOU sweet friend. KEep it up!
Lindsay says
awww you’re the best. love you!
Kierston says
Two simple words…THANK YOU!
Great post 🙂
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
Such a sweet post! Thank YOU for writing! I love to read!
Lindsay says
thank you so much for reading! means the world!
Madeline@Food,Fitness,Family says
I {heart} you. That is all. 🙂
Lindsay says
i heart you more 🙂
Heather (Where's the Beach) says
I absolutely love this post so very much. It really is such a simple thing that can mean so much. And that’s how I feel about all of my blog readers when they comment – I thank each and ever person for stopping by. It means more than they can know. And thank YOU for writing this post!
Lindsay says
it DOES mean so much. and i don’t think some of them have any idea how much we appreciate it!
Parita @ myinnershakti says
I love receiving comments like that…they just make my day! And I agree that saying thank you (and not just thinking it) is so important. Thanks for writing this post and reminding us to think about all that we have and be thankful! 🙂
Lindsay says
aren’t they just the best?! and your’e welcome for the reminder!
char eats GREENS says
It’s soooo true!! I think thank you is a powerful word, and like you, I was raised to thank anyone for anything they did. Even still, when I get a birthday card from my grandparents or something, my mom is like, “did you say thank you yet?”
Even though I feel thankful, I might just try to be that little more thankful 😉
Thank YOU, Lindsay!!
Lindsay says
awesome 🙂 glad to hear it! actions speak louder than words!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
Lindsay… this is such a great post. I will surely keep this in mind throughout the day today.
Thank YOU for the motivation, for being so warm and welcoming, and for taking the time to write thoughtful posts like this one.
Lindsay says
you’re so welcome!! 2 more days!
Angela says
Aw, what a great post! Thanks for writing 🙂 It’s inspiring.
Farrah@ Fairy Healthy Life says
Great post!! I was raised the same way and it baffles me when some people can’t say a simple “thank you”. It just makes me say thank you even more and appreciate the good people in my life.
Thank You for this post and everything you do. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Lindsay says
love your attitude! thanks so much for reading!
Sarah K. @ The Pajama Chef says
great post. thanks! 🙂
Heather @ Better With Veggies says
Thank you for this amazing reminder – we all have SO MUCH to be thankful for and I think I need to remember that more often. And in case I haven’t said it recently – THANK YOU for Foodie Penpals. I’m sure it’s like herding cats at times, but it’s such a fun event to be a part of each month and you do a GREAT job hosting! 🙂
Lindsay says
hahah love the herding cats visual 🙂 you’re welcome!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf says
Thank you for this post. Like others have said, you put so much heart and soul into your blog, foodie penpals, everything you do. One of the reasons that I wanted to join foodie penpals was because of all the effort and care that you put into. I wouldn’t normally sign up for something like this but you’ve obviously created something special. Thank YOU!
Lindsay says
awwwww so so glad to have you join us!!!
Jess says
I love this — both the sentiment behind the post itself, the reminder and the real heartfelt words you shared with us here. Its truly those little “things” – moments, messages, memories that make the world go round, huh? So easily we forget that, though. So today? I’m thanking YOU for the reminder. xo
Lindsay says
thanks friend 🙂 little things are the best things in life sometimes!
jobo says
I love this post! What a great comment from a reader to bring you back to giving thanks. It’s easy to fly through the day and week and month and year without realizing all the little things we should remember to stop, breathe, and say thank you for. What a great post, and I love these types of ‘unexpected’ deeper posts, they’re so great, gives me even more of a view into who you are and what makes you tick 🙂 And thank YOU for writing this post and reminding us all to stop and give thanks.
Lindsay says
yay! glad you liked it 🙂
Brittany @ GOtheXtraMile says
Beautiful post! I love this. Thank YOU for blogging and being such an awesome blogger and pen pal host! You are amazing <3
Lindsay says
thanks for reading, girl!
Andrea @ Vegvacious says
What a lovely post Lindsay — it actually gave me chills up the spine 🙂 My husband and I were also raised to express our appreciation and gratitude to others, but it is so easy to forget to say it when life gets busy. Thank you for the reminder and for being such a great inspiration!
Lindsay says
it’s definitely easy to forget…sometimes that makes it doubly as special when you do remember!
[email protected] says
great post. definitely think it’s so nice to thank people. its easy to let time fly by and you may have always meant to thank them, etc. you just inspired me to thank some people that deserve it!! thanks to you!
Lindsay says
so glad i could provide some inspiration!
natalie @ southern fit foodie says
I love this post! I was talking not too long ago about how crazy it is that two little words “thank you” can make such a BIG difference! Thank you for the reminder! Have a great day. 🙂
Lindsay says
it’s pretty incredible what an impact they can have, isn’t it!
Rachel @ The Avid Appetite says
I SO love this post! I was raised similarly, and it really does make a difference to just say or hear those two little words.
I want to say a big Thank You to you, my friend! For being a great ‘bloggie’ friend, for supporting my blog, and for inspiring me! xxoo
Lindsay says
same you you, girl! you’re the best 🙂
Danica @ It's Progression says
such an inspirational post!! thank YOU for the reminder 🙂
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Danica @ It's Progression says
such an inspirational post…thank YOU for the great reminder! 🙂
Lindsay says
you’re very welcome!!
Patsy Albrecht says
Thank you for the reminder about how important it is to thank people for what they do. I have a facebook page and a blog (ArmsWideOpen) and it REALLY makes my day when people comment. I do it out of love for writing and running, and a desire to help people, not for the thanks — but it really motivates me and inspires me when I know people are getting something out of it. Kudos for a great blog!!
Lindsay says
aren’t comments just the best?! love them 🙂
Alysia @ Slim Sanity says
I love this! such a great message 🙂
Lindsay says
thanks girl!
Merri says
I agree 100% I was raised the same way. And it seems that so many were not. It is sad. Your post made me smile today, as they usually do. So thank you!!!
Lindsay says
glad i could bring a smile to your face!
Alex @ therunwithin says
I agree with that commenter, I love using blogs as inspiration but it is hard not to get caught in comparing. Sometimes we all need that reminder that we are unique and doing a blog for us! You are truly an inspiration and I have loved getting to read your blog each day.
Lindsay says
thank you so much for reading 🙂
Cinnamon @ eatpraytri says
I could NOT agree more and even though I know you aren’t fishing for compliments or thank you’s…I do thank you for hosting Foodie Pen Pals!! I can only IMAGINE how much work it must be and I do appreciate it b/c its SO MUCH FUN! So thanks!!! And thanks for this post, 🙂
Lindsay says
you’re so welcome 🙂 glad to hear how much you’re enjoying it!
Kammie @ Sensual Appeal says
This post is wonderful. Well, of course, you are welcome. But really, I’d want to say thank you right back for being there – your blog is wonderful and I do read it every time you post (the beauty of Google Reader 😉 I find your posts hilarious, delicious, and motivating. So thank you for that. And you are awesome and creative for coming up with Foodie Pen Pals!
Thank you for being you 🙂
Lindsay says
so glad someone loves my sense of humor 🙂
Michelle @ Blogitness says
Awesome post! Food Pen Pals is an amazing program that has opened my eyes to many great new blogs!
Lindsay says
i’m so glad to hear that!!!
MCM Mama says
Lovely post! I suck at thank you notes (not the writing, the actual mailing LOL), but I am really good at always saying thank you to people like cashiers and crossing guards and such.
Lindsay says
that’s awesome! those people often get overlooked!
Matt @ The Athlete's Plate says
Love this!
And you’re welcome 🙂
Laura says
THANK YOU for being such a great friend 🙂
Lindsay says
same to you, my friend!
Jess @ Blonde Ponytail says
WOW! What a heart-felt post. Thank YOU Lindsay for being such a positive force!
Lindsay says
i do my best!! ps…that workout I tweeted you yesterday has left me very sore 🙂
Lindsay @ In Sweetness and In Health says
This is an amazing post Linds! I always try to thank people for things, but sometimes I think I could put more effort into how I do it. Thank YOU for the reminder 🙂
Lindsay says
same with me. i find myself being a little half-hearted sometimes and am trying to focus on sincerity!
Kristen says
What a great reminder, Lindsay. Thank you for posting this and thank you for being you. I LOVE Foodie Pen Pals and tell everyone about it :). You rock!!!
Lindsay says
thanks for spreading the word 🙂 you’re one of FPP’s biggest fans!
Kristen @ Miami Housewife says
Oh my goodness, Lindsay – what else can I say after a post like that except thank you 🙂 You just made my week! I had no idea my comment would cause that reaction. I loved that post so much and just kinda wrote what was on my mind without really thinking…funny how when you speak from the heart, it can end up being more meaningful than any well-thought-out idea. As a new blogger it’s easy to get used to the idea that no one is really reading what you write; what a great reminder that even if they’re not commenting, someone is always listening. Many, many thanks for your kind words – now I’m off to say some more thank yous to the people (and bloggers) in my life!
Lindsay says
you’re welcome 🙂 thanks again for the comment! and yay for more thank yous!
Abby @ Abz 'n' Oats says
Wonderful post! I totally agree about the importance of saying thank you. It can truly make a person’s day. 🙂 I would like to thank YOU for being such a wonderful, supportive friend!
Lindsay says
you’re welcome pretty girl 🙂
Leonor @FoodFaithFitness says
Great post! I can’t tell you how many times I have done somethign for strangers, like hold a door, and don’t get anything. I have started saying, really loud, “YOUR WELCOME.” I don’t care. People lack manners.
Lindsay says
it’s true…it’s amazing how many people seem to have no concept of please and thank you
Carissa says
Linds- I love this post. If I wasn’t on my iPad I would write you a novel but you are amazing. I’m so impressed by your blog, ideas, dedication, and your poise. Thank you for giving us an example to strive for.
Lindsay says
thanks so much, lady!
Ashley @ Freckles & Spice says
I really, really liked this post. I used to never do “deep” posts – but I feel like I’ve been doing them a lot lately.
A little appreciate goes a long way! I know how I feel when I receive it, and I am always trying to remember to pay it forward. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this and writing such a nice piece.
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama says
This post is great! I tend to overly thank people. Why not? It’s 2 words that have a great meaning. Why not show my appreciation?
Heather @ For the Love of Kale says
We love you Lindsay!!!! Thank YOU for everything – for creating an incredibly successful project called Foodie Penpals, for sharing your light, and for spreading so much love to us all. You rock, sister!
Lindsay says
aww thank you Heather 🙂 xo
Michelle says
What an awesome blog!!! And thank you! For your incredible posts every day, for the Foodie Pen Pals program and for the reminder to thank the people (and bloggers) in our lives. I have several blogs that I subscribe to (like yours), but I am really bad about commenting. I will be making an effort today to comment on all of the blogs that I read.
Hannah R says
After reading this post I realized I never commented on your Thai Salmon Peanut Burger recipe after making it 3 times!!! Seriously thanks for sharing that DELICIOUS recipe. I seriously love it:) and so does my husband. I put it over a salad with some goat cheese one of the times and it was awesome! Thanks again! Love your blog and appreciate all the time that goes into it!
Hannah R says
After reading this post I realized I never commented on you “Thai Salmon Peanut Burgers” recipe after making it 3 times!!! Seriously, thanks for sharing that DELICIOUS recipe. I love it:) and so does my husband. I put it over a salad with some goat cheese one of the times and it was awesome! Thanks again! Love your blog. Thanks for all you’re hard work you put into it!
Adri @FoodieBeFit says
And THANK YOU! for sharing Kristen’s comment and blog. I am in Miami and have been looking for fellow runners/bloggers ladies to connect locally for like the past 8 months… you might have helped that process tremendously… Thank you! Oh yeah, and thank you for Foodie Pen Pals of course, I can’t even imagine the work of managing over 300 hungry ladies 🙂
elle @ nutritionella says
I actually came back to read this post for a second time… feeling a bit down and needed to remind myself to be thankful for everything wonderful I have in my life! Your blog is one of those things. 🙂 Thanks for being you. <3
Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers says
absolutely LOVE this post, lindsay! thank you for blogging and making me and other readers smile with this fabulous reminder. it’s amazing how much a simple “please” or “thank you” can mean.
lynne @lgsmash says
Great post, Lindsay – It really is the small things that make a huge difference! I always try to have a ‘Thank You’ mentalitiy because of things exactly like this – the power of a small, thoughtful thank you is incredible! I too was taught to write thank you notes after EVERYTHING – and within the week that the gift/event happened – I’m thankful for that now but at the time, GEEZE! WHAT A PAIN! right? 🙂
Anyway, nice to meet you in person this weekend! Hope you’re home, safe and sound!
Carol Anne @ Rock Salt says
THANK YOU Lindsay for being so helpful and encouraging when it comes to Foodie Penpals – without you, there wouldn’t be a lot of people around a lot of countries getting excited to send each other thoughtful, generous parcels. So thank you x