Hi Friends!
Just like that, it’s time to recap another month of workouts. I talked a little bit about the modifications I’ve been making for my Crossfit workouts in my last Fitness Friday post and for the most part, nothing has really changed. I typically wod Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and sometimes Friday and then rest Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Here’s a look at some of the wods I’ve been doing lately for weeks 18-22 of pregnancy:
1. Class at the box today involved finding your 3RM deadlift, which I can’t do, so I modified a chipper wod that I missed last week so I could do it at home. Finished in 14:29 with 25# dbs and a 35# kb
2. Nothin good about a 24 min AMRAP – woof! finished 4 rounds + 100m run with Rx weight and box stepups.
3. Skipped the box jump, 75 wall balls in 3 min, then 21:46 for the wod. I did 6 pull-ups + 6 ring dips for each round instead of 2 muscle ups
4. Memorial Day hero workout – Murph. I opted for 1/2 Murph this year and finished in 22:35.
1. 20 min EMOTM: odds – 4 strict press (55#), evens – 4 ring dips (red band) then 6+4 for the #wod – I did 55# snatches and knees to elbow
2. Finished in 11:32 with 75#, grasshoppers for sit-ups and 24 inch stepups – grasshoppers are basically where you hold yourself in a high plank position and alternate bringing one leg across under your body to your opposite elbow.
3. Shoulder burner! Finished 12 rounds + 27 reps with a 35# kb – loved it!
4. Sweaty mess. First time in a while I legit lost count of my rounds. I did banded ring dips and 24″ stepups
1. Running is uncomfortable so I did 400m rows instead. Worst idea ever. Rowing + overhead squats is one of the hardest crossfit combos out there, in my opinion. Could hardly feel my legs. Finished in 16:07 with 55# ohs
2. Boom! 301 reps with step-ups instead of box jumps.
3 .I didn’t wanna do it and it wasn’t pretty, but it’s done! 9:55 Rx
4. One of those days where it sucks to not be able to lift heavy. 5:44 with 65# – so easy. – you had to use the same weight for all, so I was limited by how much I wanted to push overhead- I didn’t want to go too heavy on that part even though the other two movements were easy.
1. I did 55# and pull-ups instead of TTB. Finished the round of 15 plus 3 extra reps.
2. Give this one a try – it’s brutal! There’s no rest between rounds but if you finish a round before the 6 min is up you can rest until the next one starts. I used 20# dumbbells, 35# kb, 14# wb and did 24″ stepups instead of box jumps
3. Short and sweet #wod – I did 35# kb swings, burpees on a 45# plate to keep my stomach from being flat on the ground and 24″ step ups. Finished in 4:47.
4. 8 rounds of 20 sec on: 10 sec rest for each. Only your lowest score counts. 5 shuttle runs, 20 grasshoppers for sit-ups, 7 push-ups, 6 ring rows.
Other than that I’ve still been walking the dogs daily, sometimes twice a day…but it’s getting too hot to take them in the afternoons so we typically have to stick to an after dinner walk now. Plus we had a few weeks of LONG days of yardwork…which are a workout in themselves!
Let’s chat:
How have your workouts been lately?
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Linz @ Itz Linz says
Daaang girl! You’re gonna have a little baby beast in there! My only workouts are walking my little peanut and dog!
Lindsay says
that’s a good workout in my book!
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
Please remind me to stop reading your fitness friday posts. It puts me to shame.
lindsay says
i want to come walk dogs with you! and maybe one crossfit. LOL!
Lindsay says
omg that would be amazing!
Hannah says
Wow, you are one fit Miss (or Mrs) : )
I have just started getting in to CrossFit and learning how to do some of the skill work. HSPUs are not gonna happen anytime soon. Nor are muscle ups. But you have to start somewhere eh. What where you like when you first started?
Lindsay says
when i first started crossfit, I was so sore I could literally only go 2x a week.
Katie says
When did you have to start scaling your workouts? My Dr (who also does CF) told me all is well for now, but I’m curious as to when I’ll need to stop doing box jumps or sit ups? He didn’t seem to think it would be a problem to continue as I have been for a while….just curious 🙂
Lindsay says
I stopped doing box jumps pretty early on…but that’s mostly because I’m super clumsy and didn’t want to risk falling. We don’t really do a lot of situps…I’ve done them once and scaled them a few times as well just depending on how i’m feeling.
Emily @ Fit as a Mother... says
Wow – impressive for a mommy-to-be!
Lindsay says
thanks Emily!
Maryea {happy healthy mama} says
You are bad a$* that’s for sure! I’ve been doing more running and sprinting lately, which I’m loving. Sometimes I forget how much I do like running, until I get back into it. 🙂
Lindsay says
sprints are so killer!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
That looks pretty intense. i’m loving my kick boxing and running right now.
Lindsay says
LOVE kickboxing!
Helen says
I still congratulate you for still working out during your pregnancy! You’re still killing your workouts, which puts mine to shame. Mine has mainly been running.
Lindsay says
awww thanks Helen!
Lindsay says
Thanks for putting all these wods up. They give me great ideas for home workouts since I don’t belong to a box 🙂
Lindsay says
awesome! glad they’re helpful!!