Hi Friends!
Last week, Cori over at Olive to Run wrote an AMAZING post called What Would You Say. In it, she shared an activity that she did with her students and after reading the post I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Here’s the activity:
Imagine that I handed you a microphone.
When you speak into it,
the whole world can understand you.
You can make 3 statements.
What would you say?
She shared photos of the statements her students wrote…as well as one of her own. Today I decided to share my 3 statements with you!
#1: Treat others like you want to be treated.
One of the most important things in life is to be polite and respect others. There’s nothing worse than working super hard on something and not being recognized or thanked. It seems like every single day, I’m astounded by how rude people are to each other. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I do make a daily effort to use my manners and treat others like I would want them to treat me. I’ve found that if you smile first, you almost always get a smile in return. If you’re polite, most people are polite in return. I’ve also learned that’s not always the case. During those times, I try to remember that you never truly know what someone else is going through. Give out a few free passes. Excuse a few acts a rudeness and choose to believe that those people are not always that way. Before you judge someone for their actions, put yourself in their shoes…because you just never know.
#2: Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.
Figure out what you believe in and own it. Realize that it’s ok to have a different opinion than someone else, but it’s not ok to disrespect the opinions of others. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs….In fact, I think differences of opinion are healthy and make the world more interesting. Once you figure out what you believe in, stand up for those beliefs. If you don’t like something…figure out how to change it. Never give up on the things that make you smile.
#3: Comparison is the thief of joy.
The easiest way to be disappointed in your own life is to compare it to the life of someone else. Every single person on this earth leads a different life. You may not have as much money as someone else…but that doesn’t mean you’re not as rich. You may not be able to give as much as others…but that doesn’t mean you’re not as generous. You may not have as many material possessions as someone else…but that doesn’t mean you’re not as lucky. Consider all aspects of your life and be grateful for the people who love you, your abilities and the things you have. Enjoy the little things in your life. Even if they seem small, you might some day look back and realize just how big and important they were in making your life wonderful.
Let’s chat:
What would you tell the world? Tell me your three things!
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i loved that post and I love your statements. I think the first is SOOO important. I am trying really hard to instill that in my children.
This is such a great post, I love the idea of doing something like this.
I always think it’s so important to spread positive and meaningful messages to readers and anyone who will listen because a lot of these things seem so simple, but sometimes we just need to really hear them to implement them into our lives.
I definitely love the comparison is the thief of joy. It’s so true.
I need a little more time to come up with 3 but the first one that immediately comes to mind is
‘What other people think of me is none of my business’
Ultimately, we are only responsible for our own choices and our own behavior. You can spend all your time worrying about everyone else and what they think, or you can stand in your truth and own it.
1. Be nice it doesn’t cost anything but makes a huge difference to others. 2. If you change nothing then nothing will change. 3. Enjoy life/have no regrets. Love reading your blog everyday! Thanks for doing it!
Comparison is the thief of joy is such a good one.
i love this! treat others like you want to be treated is the best ever! itz the golden rule for a reason! i should totally ask my students to do this.. i love this – thanks for sharing!
This. is. awesome. I totally agree with all of your advice, Lindsay. All of these are things I do my best to practice and would tell to the world too!
I also would add there is value in suffering and trials, and that the human spirit is much stronger than many people think.
ooooh LOVE those!
Love your advice, lady! All really important messages to share. My three would be:
1. Don’t let anyone else determine who you are.
2. Practice gratitude for the many blessings you have.
3. Love generously.
Basically, be confident in who you are, be grateful for what you have, and spread positivity rather than negativity.
those are all great pieces of advice!
oh yes, i couldn’t agree more!! with all three! I would also say to don’t stress the small stuff. life is worth so much more than that small stuff.
Love this! Will have to give some thought to my own messages!
I love all of your statements but the first one holds so true to everyone and I feel like I deal with on a daily basis. Working in Public Health you are more commonly greeted with rudeness than a smile. I have made it my point to greet every client with a smile and a hello and it always seems to receive one in return. Make my job so much more enjoyable.
1. Will it really matter in 5 years?
2. Cookies are a sometimes food.
3. Not everyone peaks in their 20s.
LOVE!!! Cookies & age thing so much!!!!
good ones! love #1!
Well you sure do know how to make a girl feel special 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post and put some thought into what you would say to the world if given the opportunity. I loved reading your answers and reflections on why. xo
I love this SO much and couldn’t agree more. My 3 things:
1. Take a moment to breathe and take in your surroundings.
2. Listen to your gut.
3. Be thankful.
YES! great ones! love them all.
This are some great words of wisdom! Love it!
My three pieces of advice are:
1. Always do your best.
2. Don’t make assumptions.
3. Honesty is the best policy.
love them all! great advice!
#3!!! Focus on yourself and your own journey. You are in control so get in the driver’s seat.
Great post 🙂
Treat others the way you want to be treated is such an important message. I wish the rest of the world would realize this. I don’t have three quotes but I do have one:
Life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be enjoyed.”
I just heard this the other day and thought it was so inspirational. Have a great day Lindsay!
ohhh, i like that one!
Thanks for sharing … such beautiful thoughts! I have been working on the gem that was buried in your #1 … when someone doesn’t treat you as nicely as you think they should, just realize that you don’t know what they’re going through. Sometimes I don’t naturally think that way, but it makes such a difference!
Ooh, I’m looking forward to chewing on this… thanks for getting me thinking. Love your three statements!
What a beautiful post, Lindsay. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I totally agree with what you’ve said. Treat others the way you want to be treated is one thing that can make you go far in life.
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Im a big believer of #1. Additionally, I want to tell – be grateful for everything in your life and do your very best at everything, regardless of how big or small the job is.
yes! always do your best…that’s an awesome one!
I love your 3rd statement – with social media making it easy to share (or overshare) everything about ourselves, it’s easy to fall into the trap that everybody has something more fabulous than you. It’s important to focus on the positives in your own life 🙂
yes it is! so important!
I completely agree with your statements, especially #3. It can be hard to escape comparison with social media, so I sometimes struggle with this one. It usually helps to take a step away from social networks for a little while and focus on you and your own life. I actually find I’m a much happier person when I’m not on Facebook (which I try to use as little as possible on the weekends).
i try to limit my social media on the weekends too!
Love this!! I need to think on what I would say, but I agree 100% with your words. I know mine would include something about respecting others, as well!
This is a great idea and post! I don’t know if I can come up with 3 right now, but one of my statements would definitely be – “Be kind…always. Nothing else matters.”
Hmm…treat others as you would like to be treated.
Don’t compare yourself to others…
Don’t litter 🙂
ahhh yes, don’t litter. that’s a good one!
This is really awesome! It is definitely much harder to come up with than I would have thought. I will have to think on that for a while. However, I do like the first one. It is a really great overall quote that more people should employ.
Amen, girl! These are great. I really loved that post by Cori too. I definitely agree with the third point. Growing up has really made me realize how unhealthy comparison is.
Great Post, love reading everyone’s words of wisdom!!! Mine would be:
1. “It won’t be like this for long” -thanks Darius Rucker, with a newborn, I remind myself of this often
2. Don’t concentrate on your goals so much that you forget to appreciate your accomplishments.
3.Learn from your mistakes and MOVE ON. No sense dwelling.
love them! especially #2! so important!
I LOVE these sayings. I find them very appropriate in my life right now. Thanks girl!
Lindsay–I truly love how wise you and Cori are at young ages. You both have enlightened me on what your generation has to offer. Really like the three you picked.
Now I need to think about my three!
thanks so much amanda! would love to hear yours!
1.) “Nothing is sometimes the right thing to do, and always a clever thing to say.”
I thought I had a good #2 and maybe even a third… but now they’ve slipped my mind!
that’s an awesome one! i love it!
Cori always writes such though provoking posts. I love that she not only shares her ideas with us but with her students. Totally agree with your first point. If only we all followed that golden rule. I gotta have some time to think of my three!
Thank you Angela, that was really sweet… I appreciate it!
It took me a while to understand #3…but I’m finally getting it. Comparison truly is the death of happiness.
it’s something i still struggle with every day!
I hope you don’t mind if I take your idea and write my own advice for the world post! This is a fantastic idea!!!
absolutely! can’t wait to read!
love them! great picks!
Love this!!!! I agree with all of yours. In fact that first one, I posted an IG on that & how we don’t know everyone’s story so do not be so quick to judge!
I have a prob with the second & I need to do that but I have yet to find my way! 😉
The 3rd is always an issue with me! I keep working at it
For me – I need more time but:
1. For sure, treat others as you want to be treated – do not judge so quickly!
2. Your way or your religion or your beliefs are yours & I respect that. Respect each person for who they are & what they believe & do not try to change them to your way just because it is your way.
3. Never give up & always keep learning – you never know it all….
love #3!!!
Such a great activity! Love Cori so much! I love what you have to say Linds!
I love you too Lisa 🙂
* Keep it Simple
* Live and Let Live
* First things First
* Don’t make Assumptions
* Find reasons to be Grateful
excellent advice! especially love the last two!
Such a great idea! Hard to narrow it down to three! Here goes…
1. Happiness is a choice so choose to be happy.
2. Treat others the same way you want to be treated. (SO IMPORTANT!)
3. You are important.
I want to say something about love in there but it just doesn’t fit. Great exercise.
I love all of those Shannon!
Absolutely loved this post! I’m also surprised that people can be so rude to one another. I always try to follow the “golden rule” as well. I’m guilty of comparing myself to others far too much and it really is the thief of joy! Thank you for sharing!
Wow. This post really rang true for me when I read it. I think I’m going to make your “Comparison is the thief of joy” my new mantra. My daughter has autism and I constantly struggle with trying not to compare her to her peers. This statement is so powerful – thank you 🙂 For my 3:
1) I’d echo your “Treat others as you’d want to be treated.”
2) Laugh everyday.
3) Sleep is never overrated (advice I need to take!)
Oh I like this post! I really like your answers, especially number 3. 🙂
I would say mine would be:
1. Focus on what you do have and not what you don’t!
2. The days are long, but the years are short! (Happiness Project Quote)
3. and I like Treat others how you like to be treated!
Really awesome post. Manners, respect are big for me right now. I can’t believe how rude people are in just simple things as getting out of the way or waving to someone when they let you in to the lane. It astounds me how people can just turn on you, because you do not believe the way that they believe.
My only three I could think of (because your three are my top three) include the following:
1. Quit whining about it and do it. Life isn’t about excuses.
2. The past is your past. Use it to help guide you, but don’t rely on it to shape your present and future. This is especially appropriate for people in high school.
3. From my favorite quote of all time and something I apply to my life, “Nobody expects a Spanish Inquisition” – Monty Python. Life happens and you just have to learn to deal with it, because there will always be something.